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Workshop “Finding a Handle for Violence In Our Lives” at the International Focusing Conference 2016, Cambridge (UK)

focusing_conference_2016Workshop “Finding a Handle for Violence In Our Lives” at the 27th International Focusing Conference 2016 in Cambridge (UK), organised by the British Focusing Association, open to members of The Focusing Institute from all over the world.

Dates: New date: Saturday 23rd July 2016, from 11:00 to 13:00.

Place: Robinson College
United Kingdom

Description: When we work with children and youth, with at-risk populations, in social settings, with clients in therapy, we can see the effects of violence in their lives. In this workshop we will work experientially to find a handle for violence in our own lives, as the first step to prevent and detect situations of violence. We will explore how to identify violence from a Focusing and embodied perspective to empower ourselves –transforming violence around us.

Target audience: professionals (psychologists, therapists, educators, social workers, etc.) working with children and youth, with at-risk populations,  with clients in therapy; people working for social change (associations, foundations, etc.); and general public interested in dealing with violence in new ways.

f_javier_romeoF. Javier Romeo-Biedma is a clinical psychologist, Certified Focusing Trainer and Psychotherapist based in Madrid, Spain, and an international consultant on Child Protection, Affectivity and Communication at Espirales Consultoría de Infancia (an international consultancy firm he co-founded that provides training and assessment in Child Protection). His work with at-risk children and youth in Spain, Morocco and Mauritania has led him to research on violence prevention, detection and healing (including a deep experience in Nonviolent Communication). He also has a private practice and teaches Focusing, Nonviolent Communication and Psychotherapy at Conexión Más Auténtica. He has taught in Spanish (his mother tongue), English, French and Moroccan Arabic.

Ver esta misma entrada en español.

[Original post of May 27th. 2016, updated on July 23rd. 2016, date of the workshop].


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