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Label: CNV

Artículo “Cómo combinar Focusing y Comunicación NoViolenta” en el Folio 2014 de The Focusing Institute

With great joy I share this article that I published The Focusing Institute (International Focusing Institute based in New York) volume 25 corresponding to 2014 of The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, official academic journal. Appeared in the paper version earlier 2014, my article “Crossing Focusing and Nonviolent Communication. Reflecting for deeper implications It has just been published in English in free access in PDF on the official website The Folio.

Download the original article in English, “Crossing Focusing and Nonviolent Communication. Reflecting for deeper implications”.

Download the Spanish version of Article “Combining Focusing and Nonviolent Communication. Reflecting deeper implications for”.

[update 9 February 2017] Download the Japanese version of the article “The intersection of the focusing and the non-violent communication - towards the deeper implications tell-back” and see the translation history.

And I also leave the initial summary:


Focusing as both Nonviolent Communication (CNV) They are based on the idea that people get insights and our processes are carried forward when we reflect some of our words. The reflection power connection of the person with herself and who accompanies. And the reflection carries deeper implications while the implicit aspects open to their own existence and are recognized consciously.

However, Focusing and Nonviolent Communication They emphasize reflect different aspects of the original communication. Focusing follows heartfelt feelings in the body as a new way to create new meaning. Nonviolent Communication tries to find the needs universal human that underlie every human action. Focusing and Nonviolent Communication They have combined (crossed) in different ways (a brief review of some combinations are explored in this article). Focusing can be enriched by introducing a new awareness of the needs, especially in passing Ask. And the Nonviolent Communication You can promote a new sensitivity to the original terms of person-not just trying to "translate" all, but also valuing the common language as a set of metaphors.

When the two processes are combined and when the listener as a coach or therapist reflects aspects of both levels of consciousness, the person achieves relevant results to emerge profound implications.

Keywords: Focusing, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) / Nonviolent Communication (CNV), Empathy, Reflect, Crossing/Cross / Combine.

For English speakers, go to this post in English.

I hope you enjoy it and be happy to read your comments,


Upgrade 26 September 2014:

I had the honor of the Castilian version of my article appearing in the page in Spanish Focusing Institute in New York (The Focusing Institute). Thank you! Thank you very much!

Upgrade 9 February 2017:

Very grateful for the Japanese translation of Madoka Kawahara (Kawahara circle) y Mako Hikasa (Mako Hikasa). thank you very much! Aquí está la translation history.

Workshop at the Third Meeting of practitioners of Nonviolent Communication, Cercedilla 2014

Taller “The bodily dimension of NVC. An exploration of the physical anchoring of needs with Focusing” in the III Meeting of Nonviolent Communication Practitioners, organized by the Association for Nonviolent Communication.

Dates: Friday 31 from January to Sunday 2 February 2014.

Place: Youth Hostel Villa Castora
Road to the Meadows, 29.
Cercedilla (Madrid)

More information and registration at the Association website.

Download the general information of the III Meeting of NVC Practitioners in Cercedilla, 2014.

Download the program (provisional) of the III Meeting of NVC Practitioners in Cercedilla, 2014.

[Original entry 28 January 2014, actualizada a 2 February 2014, Event end date.]

Módulos en curso de Educación Social de la Asociación Semilla en Madrid

Como consultor de infancia en Spiral Consulting Children está previsto que imparta los módulos de “Educación Afectiva para la Prevención de Violencia” and “Comunicación Interpersonal para la Prevención de Violencia” (bases de la Comunicación No Violenta para profesionales de la Educación Social) dentro del curso “El nuevo educador social: Actualización de competencias profesionales en Educación Social” organizado por la Escuela de Formación de Formadores de la Asociación Semilla.

Dates (modules): Tuesday 1, Wednesday 2, Thursday 3 and Friday 4 October 2013, of 16:00 a 20:30.

Place: Asociación Semilla
Walk Alberto Palacios No. 13
28021 Madrid

More information and registration: 91 798 69 55

Download the document the course “El nuevo educador social: Actualización de competencias profesionales en Educación Social”

[Original entry 3 September 2013, actualizada a 4 October 2013, modules completion date.]

Alex Rovira Video on the Economics of caresses

Alex Rovira, business advisor, lecturer and writer both as a novel test, has a positive view of the human being is very close to what we have from the Nonviolent Communication and Focusing.

In this short video gives some basic keys to working with people, both business management and for those who intervene more in the personal and social. The key phrase “Stroke economy” reflects one of the basic concepts that I try to convey in my work training and support: people seek to be seen, be recognized, and if they get through what we seek positive through most unpleasant reprimands. The key is to be aware of this and learn to read between the lines. To me this helps me in my work with adolescents and their families, and is the primary tool for building bridges between people.

The intention that it veáis video (repeatedly, even, to capture the subtleties) and introduce you to reflect on how the stroke economy in our private life, and also in the professional.

Hope you enjoy the.


Course “The affection and listening in raising our sons and daughters” Mallorca

Course “The affection and listening in raising our sons and daughters” organized by the Synthesis Center in Palma de Mallorca.

Dates: viernes 22 February 2013 of 17:00 a 21:00 and sábado 23 February 2013 of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00.

Place: Garden City Hotel
C / Island of Malta 14
07007 Palma de Mallorca
Illes Balears

Download the program with all the information.

[Original entry 18 January 2013, actualizada a 23 February 2013, fecha de finalización del curso.]

Workshops at the Second Meeting of Nonviolent Communication Practitioners, Cercedilla 2013

ii_encuentro_cnvWorkshops "Listening to our inner voices" and “Focusing y CNV” in the Second Meeting of Nonviolent Communication Practitioners, organized by the Association for Nonviolent Communication.

Dates: Friday 25 to Sunday 27 January 2013.

Place: Youth Hostel Villa Castora
Road to the Meadows, 29.
Cercedilla (Madrid)

More information and registration at the Association website.

Download complete information and program (provisional) the Second Meeting of CNV in Cercedilla Practitioners, January 2013.

[Original entry 17 January 2013, actualizada a 27 January 2013, Event end date.]

Course “Skills and strategies for improving coexistence in the classroom” based on the CNV

I copy here the information about the Course "Skills and strategies for improvement of living together in the classroom" CNV-based professionals and Primary Education of the Community of Madrid that I teach from Spiral Consulting Children. This entry is a copy of this one Blog entry CI Spirals, and copy it here because it is part of the training provided themed Nonviolent Communication, but aimed at teachers.

Dates: Monday 6, 13, 20 and 27 February 2012, and 5, 12 and 26 March 2012, of 17:30 a 20:30.

Open enrollment period: of 12 December 2012 to the 3 February 2012 (limited places in order of registration).

CTIF Collaborating Centre Capital "Prince Philip Institute".
Finisterre Street 60.

Transportation: metro Barrio del Pilar (line 9), and lines 82, 132, 134, 137, 147 EMT bus.

Information and registration through CTIF Capital.


[Original entry 11 January 2012, actualizada a 26 March 2012, fecha de finalización del curso.]

Communication Practices in Zaragoza, February 2012

Prácticas de Comunicación Efectiva, based techniques Nonviolent Communication de Marshall Rosenberg, organized by the Institute for Mediation and Collaborative Law Zaragoza, para personas con formación previa en estas técnicas.

Dates: domingo 19 February 2012 of 10:00 a 14:00 .

Place: Institute for Mediation and Collaborative Law
Cesar Augusto Avenue Number 3, 4º A

More information and registration: 976 44 35 00, María Begoña.

Descargar el documento con la información completa de las prácticas de comunicación en Zaragoza.

[Original entry 8 February 2012, actualizada a 19 February 2012, fecha de realización del taller de prácticas.]

Effective Communication Course in Zaragoza, February 2012

Effective Communication Course, based techniques Nonviolent Communication de Marshall Rosenberg, organized by the Institute for Mediation and Collaborative Law Zaragoza.

Dates: viernes 17 February 2012 of 17:00 a 21:00 and sábado 18 February 2012 of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 .

Place: Institute for Mediation and Collaborative Law
Cesar Augusto Avenue Number 3, 4º A

More information and registration: 976 44 35 00, María Begoña.

Descargar el documento con la información completa del Curso de Comunicación Efectiva en Zaragoza

[Original entry 8 February 2012, actualizada a 18 February 2012, fecha de finalización del curso.]

Communicate at school

Muchas veces importa más nuestra presencia, cómo estamos, que qué hacemos.

Este vídeo, que se puede ver a través de YouTube, demuestra cómo la forma en que está presente el profesor Toshiro Kanamori impacta y transforma a sus estudiantes. En un sistema educativo tan competitivo como el japonés, este maestro de primaria consigue crear un entorno de honestidad y respeto para los niños y niñas en una escuela normal y corriente. Sin necesidad de trabajar con un modelo de educación alternativo, el profesor Kanamori utiliza las actividades cotidianas para ir creando unos oasis de comunicación que resultan transformadores.

Y la vida no es color de rosa para los alumnos y alumnas. Lo innovador es cómo el profesor Kanamori crea un espacio donde la escucha (entre estudiantes y del profesor) y la autoescucha refuerza las relaciones y sana muchas heridas. Y todo desde un ambiente de profundo respeto (y de una fuerza tranquila y protectora del maestro). No os perdáis los episodios de la muerte de familiares, los problemas de atención, e incluso la violencia escolar entre iguales, para ver cómo los gestionan.

Creo profundamente que este tipo de relaciones se pueden ir creando en cada centro educativo si desarrollamos nuestra capacidad de comunicarnos de una forma más profunda, que nos permita crear una conexión más auténtica.

Y ahora os dejo con el vídeo.

Para ver la versión en castellano (subtitulada de la versión en catalán):

Parte 1:

Ésta es la primera parte de la versión en castellano, está también la versión en inglés (ver más abajo).

Parte 2:

Parte 3:

Parte 4:

Parte 5:

Versión en catalán (traducida de la versión en inglés):

Esta versión ha sido eliminada de YouTube. Si alguien la localiza de nuevo y nos lo comunica volveremos a colgarla.

Versión en inglés / English Version:

Parte 1:

Parte 2:

Parte 3:

Parte 4:

Parte 5:

Que lo disfrutéis.

Un saludo,


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