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Label: Trauma

Manual “See to Protect. Keys to understanding violence against children, girls and adolescents and to develop effective protection measures”, F. Javier Romeo and Pepa Horno for UNICEF Spain

Portada del manual "Ver para proteger", que muestra una mano masculina sosteniendo una mano infantil con un fondo de naturaleza al aire libre.Last week the manual was officially presented see to protect. Keys to understanding violence against children, girls and adolescents and to develop effective protection measures, that we have elaborated my partner Pepa Horno and I from Spiral Consulting Children for UNICEF Spain. As usual with My publications, sector la manual entry see to protect on that blog and expand on some relevant aspects here.

The manual has three elements that are significant to share here.

First, broadly systematizes the fundamental concepts to understand violence. Many people going through therapy need to understand what has happened to them and how, and although normally the accompaniment process is enough, sometimes they ask me for a reference to continue expanding. It's manual, although it is technical and is aimed at professionals who work with children, and adolescents, can also serve people with sufficient therapeutic work.

On the other hand, and expanding on that line, the manual is also useful for psychotherapists who want to update their knowledge and skills. With the activities that are proposed throughout each of the chapters we can expand our sensitivity and our ability to accompany processes that have to do with violence and trauma and with their healing.. The practical part is designed to cultivate awareness of our interventions.

By last, it is essential to remember the importance of the bodily dimension both in violence and its consequences (especially in trauma and dissociation) as in recovery. The entire manual has body aspects, and especially works on the feeling of well-being that it tries to build in the spaces that are Safe and Protective Environments.

The manual see to protect can be downloaded free of charge from the UNICEF Spain website.

I hope that is of interest, and I will love to know how you receive it.

F. Javier Romeo

Manual “Accompanying the wounds of the soul. Trauma in childhood and adolescence”

As a psychologist I divide my professional time between clinical practice accompanying people in their therapeutic process in Madrid and advice and training organizations related to the protection of children, and adolescents from Espirales Children Consulting. That's why I am pleased to present the manual Accompanying the wounds of the soul. Trauma in childhood and adolescence, I have prepared for the Regional Office of SOS Children's Villages in Latin America and the Caribbean.

For more details on this publication, its contents and other publications related to child protection, you can read this blog entry Espirales CI.

Two versions of the document:

In this blog I have only to add that the explanation of the trauma as a process is based on A process model (A Process Model) Eugene Gendlin de, and explanations of emotional blockages that have met the trainers and coordinators Focusing Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin. You can find citations to specific sources on pages 16-20 of the text.

I hope the good results.

F. Javier Romeo

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