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Label: CI Spirals

Book “Focusing con niños” Marta Stapert y Erik Amorous

As i count in a blog post from Spiral Consulting for Children, of which I am a member, between new year's resolutions, from Spiral Consulting Children we have proposed to publicize prevention and intervention tools in affectivity, protection and interpersonal communication that we are already using with children, girls and adolescents and what we recommend to families and professionals. Sometimes we recommend tools that have very little published in Spanish, or whose reference texts are difficult to obtain. Then we will give clues that we hope are indicative.

It is not the case of Focusing, the process and technique of body focus, which has abundant bibliography in Spanish. Focusing is a technique developed by Eugene Gendlin, experiential philosopher and humanistic psychotherapist, to consciously develop the ability to relate to our emotions in another way. Consists (explained in a few words) in using the references of the bodily sensations to work the emotions and the whole inner world (beliefs, internalized messages, recurring thoughts…). I am aware that explained like this it does not say much, and it is that Focusing is, basically, experiential, and that is why it can only be understood by experiencing it. Yes, once tested, most people recognize it as natural, something that “has happened to them at some point”, and with the Focusing technique we learn to use it when we want, and so it does not depend on our being with a special focus or capacity.

As with other techniques that I know, I approached Focusing on 2009 thinking about the applications it could have in the intervention with children, and yet I was captivated by the capabilities that it helped me discover in myself as a person and as a professional. If you are curious about this line of work, I have prepared two new formations, “Focusing and emotional education in children, and adolescents” and “Focusing and violence prevention in children, and adolescents” (both with recognition for official Focusing training, since I am recognized as Formador Certificado (Certified Trainer) by The Focusing Institute and for him Focusing Spanish Institute).

focusing_con_ninosSo to whet your appetite I recommend the magnificent book by Marta Stapert and Erik Verliefde Focusing con niños. The art of communicating with children and adolescents at school and at home, published by the Editorial Desclée in the Amae collection, supervised by the Spanish edition of Isabel Gascón and Lucía Ema, Focusing trainers and good friends of mine. Written by Marta Stapert, a child psychotherapist and Focusing coordinator, y Erik In love, a teacher, the book is a great introduction to Focusing for adults, while offering hands-on exercises and activities for people with children, girls and teenagers around, not only professionals from the therapeutic and educational fields, but also for families. Parents who have read it have found it very useful and practical, although there are some exercises that obviously improve a lot in a therapeutic setting.

Hope you enjoy the (you can take a look at some of the content on the publisher's website).


Video of Dan Pink on myths and realities of human motivation">Video of Dan Pink on myths and realities of human motivation

As I commented in this entry from the Spiral Consulting Children's blog, talking about education a few weeks ago I found myself mentioning again that rigorous scientific studies show that prizes and rewards work very short time and basically destroy intrinsic motivation in people, children, and adolescents included. Since the texts are usually operating primarily in English (if you insist I will make a post about them), I started researching to see what resources could be found in Castilian, and I was lucky to run into this magnificent video.

and Pink, after working writing for Al Gore, He became a writer and consultant on creativity. In her video she speaks of motivation in business, but if you substitute the word “company” by “school” every time, It will provide a fascinating insight into the educational reality (in our country and the world in general). To focus a little issue, the motivation (what drives us people to do things, whatever they are) can be “intrinsic” (when it is born of our own inner, as when we are curious, commitment, intentions contribution…) The “extrinsic” (when is a response to external conditions such “If you receive you beam A B”, whether B is a reward or a punishment).

I love that video, as he says, no one “feelings” to share even a “philosophy” to believe, but hard facts, contrasted by an entity so little suspicious “alternative” as the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston: “in eight out of nine tasks, the highest incentives (positive) They led to worse performance”. A) Yes. Why every time I hear that someone wants to reward or punish a child, or girl, I am worried. Will they use punishment or reward in that way that serves (one in nine), or they are undermining a little more intrinsic motivation of the person you want to educate? And I like the fact that the video continues with a proposal, brief but suggestive, how it works intrinsic motivation. Y, what a coincidence!, it turns out that this model of intrinsic motivation also works for human relations in general and schools in particular. I speak from experience, working for years with teenagers at social risk.

So nothing, Here's the video, and I love reading your comments.


Módulos en curso de Educación Social de la Asociación Semilla en Madrid

Como consultor de infancia en Spiral Consulting Children está previsto que imparta los módulos de “Educación Afectiva para la Prevención de Violencia” and “Comunicación Interpersonal para la Prevención de Violencia” (bases de la Comunicación No Violenta para profesionales de la Educación Social) dentro del curso “El nuevo educador social: Actualización de competencias profesionales en Educación Social” organizado por la Escuela de Formación de Formadores de la Asociación Semilla.

Dates (modules): Tuesday 1, Wednesday 2, Thursday 3 and Friday 4 October 2013, of 16:00 a 20:30.

Place: Asociación Semilla
Walk Alberto Palacios No. 13
28021 Madrid

More information and registration: 91 798 69 55

Download the document the course “El nuevo educador social: Actualización de competencias profesionales en Educación Social”

[Original entry 3 September 2013, actualizada a 4 October 2013, modules completion date.]

Course “The affection and listening in raising our sons and daughters” Mallorca

Course “The affection and listening in raising our sons and daughters” organized by the Synthesis Center in Palma de Mallorca.

Dates: viernes 22 February 2013 of 17:00 a 21:00 and sábado 23 February 2013 of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00.

Place: Garden City Hotel
C / Island of Malta 14
07007 Palma de Mallorca
Illes Balears

Download the program with all the information.

[Original entry 18 January 2013, actualizada a 23 February 2013, fecha de finalización del curso.]

Course “Skills and strategies for improving coexistence in the classroom” based on the CNV

I copy here the information about the Course "Skills and strategies for improvement of living together in the classroom" CNV-based professionals and Primary Education of the Community of Madrid that I teach from Spiral Consulting Children. This entry is a copy of this one Blog entry CI Spirals, and copy it here because it is part of the training provided themed Nonviolent Communication, but aimed at teachers.

Dates: Monday 6, 13, 20 and 27 February 2012, and 5, 12 and 26 March 2012, of 17:30 a 20:30.

Open enrollment period: of 12 December 2012 to the 3 February 2012 (limited places in order of registration).

CTIF Collaborating Centre Capital "Prince Philip Institute".
Finisterre Street 60.

Transportation: metro Barrio del Pilar (line 9), and lines 82, 132, 134, 137, 147 EMT bus.

Information and registration through CTIF Capital.


[Original entry 11 January 2012, actualizada a 26 March 2012, fecha de finalización del curso.]

Workshops “With children affects reweaving, and adolescents” Zaragoza

Cuando nacen, los bebés son unas criaturas más o menos adorables hacia las que sentimos una simpatía y afecto naturales. However, según van creciendo, aparecen sentimientos más desagradables hacia ellos. Y un día nos encontramos conviviendo con niños, niñas y adolescentes a quienes no comprendemos y que no nos comprenden. ¿Dónde se ha quedado la complicidad y la calidez de los primeros años? ¿Será posible volver a conectar, a pesar de que están “en esa edad tan difícil”?

Desde Espirales Consultoría de Infancia, en coordinación con el Instituto de Mediación y Derecho Colaborativo de Zaragoza, ofrecemos estos dos talleres “With children affects reweaving, and adolescents” como una propuesta para hilvanar de nuevo nuestros afectos con niños, niñas y adolescentes que nos importan. No es sencillo, pero merece la pena. Y precisamente porque queremos recuperar esos vínculos, vamos a trabajar en talleres vivenciales para madres, padres y figuras de referencia. A partir de los resultados de estos dos primeros talleres se pueden plantear otras formaciones que incorporen a niños, and adolescents, que puedan expresarse y retejer sus afectos con sus personas significativas en la propia formación. Pero para eso es necesario que antes las personas adultas de referencia hayan elaborado sus propios afectos. Hacer clic para leer más sobre los talleres “With children affects reweaving, and adolescents”

Workshops “With children affects reweaving, and adolescents”, organizados por el Instituto de Mediación y Derecho Colaborativo de Zaragoza.

Taller 1: sábado 17 March 2012, en horario de 10:00-14:00 and 16:00-20:00.
Taller 2: sábado 28 de abril de 2012, en horario de 10:00-14:00 and 16:00-20:00.

Place: Institute for Mediation and Collaborative Law
Cesar Augusto Avenue Number 3, 4º A

Teléfono y persona de contacto:
976 44 35 00, María Begoña

Resource Blog

As I said in the “Welcome to the blog”, The idea is that this blog is intended to serve as a repository of resources, so are all kinds of materials and suggestions for creating a More Authentic Connection with others and with our inner world. As will be plenty of variety, I want to explain here the different labels that I use to categorize the entries.

  • CNV: all entries that relate to the Nonviolent Communication, either explicitly that I seem to have that “NVC consciousness”.
  • Texts CNV: entries relating to books, specific articles and documents Nonviolent Communication.
  • Focusing: all entries that are pertinent to the Focusing or something very similar.
  • Focusing en Madrid: they will gather in Madrid formations on Focusing Area (for example, Miraflores de la Sierra, an hour from Madrid).
  • Textos Focusing: entries relating to books, specific articles and documents Focusing.
  • CI Spirals: no tickets that are closely related to my work in Spiral Consulting Children in matters of affection, protection and interpersonal communication, and I also mention in this blog.
  • Other Texts: no books, articles and documents, without being explicitly in any of the proposed disciplines, general have an affinity and a value that leads me to mention them in this blog.
  • Webs: web pages, blog and online resources.
  • Videos: general videos, combined with other tags that require their content.
  • Movies: documentaries and films, both based on fact and fiction, seem relevant to me I want to develop sensitivity to this blog.
  • Narrative: novels (and stories and children's literature) that allow us to cultivate a taste of empathy with the Nonviolent Communication and the Focusing.
  • Experiences: Sometimes life brings surprises, experiences that make us rethink our priorities and confirm our intuitions, and these events will gather under this heading.
  • For boys and girls: resources that can be used directly or indirectly with children.
  • For Teens: resources that can be used directly or indirectly with teens.
  • Agenda actual and Agenda filed: impart training to most closed groups and organized, but on the rare occasions when I open formations specific to the general public or hang them with these tags, “Agenda actual” until it is completed and “Agenda filed” when it has passed the date of the event, but for the record and can see the parameters of the training provided.

As you can see, many categories are intertwined. The interesting thing is that everyone can find something to investigate and find it useful and interesting. And some other things will be added.

To build on!

Welcome to the blog

My first purpose 2012 This blog has been started. After creating the website more authentic connection 2009, resource section had been reduced. Partly because there are many materials that are only in English or French, and partly by referring only to specific texts of Nonviolent Communication, appeared not needed more.

However, vitality I've seen in the Blog of Spiral Consulting Children, I keep with Pepa Horno and Ana Sanchez-Mera from late 2009, has shown me that a blog is a very interesting tool to have all recommendations contained in the training just gives me time to quote: articles, books, pages, videos, movies and a variety of sources that can help us deepen our training. In fact, I want this to be My first recommendation: Institutional read our blog. And indeed some of the entries of this blog will recover.

And it has inspired me personal blog of my partner and friend Pepa Horno. There are things that work very well to a strictly professional level, and then there are other things that fit better with the personal, with how to be a, that requires its own sphere.

So begins this blog, which will be expanded with ease. I hope you will be of interest, and comments are welcome.

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