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Book “Focusing con niños” Marta Stapert y Erik Amorous

As i count in a blog post from Spiral Consulting for Children, of which I am a member, between new year's resolutions, from Spiral Consulting Children we have proposed to publicize prevention and intervention tools in affectivity, protection and interpersonal communication that we are already using with children, girls and adolescents and what we recommend to families and professionals. Sometimes we recommend tools that have very little published in Spanish, or whose reference texts are difficult to obtain. Then we will give clues that we hope are indicative.

It is not the case of Focusing, the process and technique of body focus, which has abundant bibliography in Spanish. Focusing is a technique developed by Eugene Gendlin, experiential philosopher and humanistic psychotherapist, to consciously develop the ability to relate to our emotions in another way. Consists (explained in a few words) in using the references of the bodily sensations to work the emotions and the whole inner world (beliefs, internalized messages, recurring thoughts…). I am aware that explained like this it does not say much, and it is that Focusing is, basically, experiential, and that is why it can only be understood by experiencing it. Yes, once tested, most people recognize it as natural, something that “has happened to them at some point”, and with the Focusing technique we learn to use it when we want, and so it does not depend on our being with a special focus or capacity.

As with other techniques that I know, I approached Focusing on 2009 thinking about the applications it could have in the intervention with children, and yet I was captivated by the capabilities that it helped me discover in myself as a person and as a professional. If you are curious about this line of work, I have prepared two new formations, “Focusing and emotional education in children, and adolescents” and “Focusing and violence prevention in children, and adolescents” (both with recognition for official Focusing training, since I am recognized as Formador Certificado (Certified Trainer) by The Focusing Institute and for him Focusing Spanish Institute).

focusing_con_ninosSo to whet your appetite I recommend the magnificent book by Marta Stapert and Erik Verliefde Focusing con niños. The art of communicating with children and adolescents at school and at home, published by the Editorial Desclée in the Amae collection, supervised by the Spanish edition of Isabel Gascón and Lucía Ema, Focusing trainers and good friends of mine. Written by Marta Stapert, a child psychotherapist and Focusing coordinator, y Erik In love, a teacher, the book is a great introduction to Focusing for adults, while offering hands-on exercises and activities for people with children, girls and teenagers around, not only professionals from the therapeutic and educational fields, but also for families. Parents who have read it have found it very useful and practical, although there are some exercises that obviously improve a lot in a therapeutic setting.

Hope you enjoy the (you can take a look at some of the content on the publisher's website).


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