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Focusing tutored in Madrid in July 2016

The tutored practices are the space in which each participant learns to focus, to accompany and observe Focusing processes, from an attitude of respect and group learning. It is the natural step after having completed Levels I and II of Focusing, and that it is still necessary to develop the experience and skills required for the Diploma in Focusing and for the qualification of “Trainer de Focusing”.

The sessions allow us to explore the possibilities and difficulties of intervention and resources available to us to deepen and enrich the process of focusing and accompanying.

Small groups, Minimum 3 participants, maximum 6 participants.

Tutored sessions recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as part of the essential training to obtain the Diploma.


  • mars, 5 July 2016, of 16:00 a 20:00.
  • Friday, 8 July 2016, of 16:00 a 20:00.
  • mars, 12 July 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 I of 16:00 a 20:00.

Please, to subscribe simply enter your availability gunning by name (or name and initials of the two surnames) in the following link and send me an email (

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Prices (you can pay in cash on the day of the internship, or by bank transfer consulting me first):

  • 4 hours, 70 euros.
  • 8 hours, 130 euros (grouping with other tutored within this month).
  • 12 hours, 180 euros (grouping with other tutored within this month).

I hope the good results.


[Original entry 29 de junio de 2016, actualizada a 12 July 2016, date of the last practice session].

Level II Focusing on Madrid “Practice the six steps” the 18 and 19 de junio de 2016

To end the academic year with a consolidation in Focusing, this entry proposes Level II of Focusing “Practice the six steps” linked to the previous post.

focusing_madrid_mayo_junio_2016Level II provides the basic tools to begin accompany Focusing processes. We will practice how to accompany our own inner processes through autofocusing, especially on written focusing. And we will also experiment in pairs how to accompany another person, following both the steps of the methodology and the basic attitudes of listening and presence.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level II.

Date: sábado 18 de junio de 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 19 de junio de 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials.


  • discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement.
  • discount 25% for people who have done the Level I with me in the 90 days prior to Level II (for example, the 16 and 17 de abril de 2016, the 21 and 22 May 2016 or the 4 and 5 de junio de 2016).
  • discount 50% for people who have already completed Level II and want to repeat.
  • These three discounts cannot be combined with each other.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about Levels I and II Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 3 May 2016, actualizada a 19 de junio de 2016, date of completion of training].

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 4 and 5 de junio de 2016

To cater to the people who did not fit them Focusing the level I 21 and 22 of May, an extra call, in June.

focusing_madrid_mayo_junio_2016 Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" Madrid is raised so that those involved discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. On the one hand, we need a theoretical framework, so we explore the origins of Focusing, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On the other hand, to be practical and experiential, we will do exercises to recognize experientially our heartfelt feelings and to relate to them from a welcoming attitude and helpfulness, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To achieve also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 4 de junio de 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 5 de junio de 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me (F. Javier Romeo Biedma) between June and September 2016 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).


  • discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement.
  • discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I (You will need to prove it) and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.
  • When performing Focusing level II of the 18 and 19 de junio de 2016, there is another possibility discount.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information on Level I Focusing in Madrid 4 and 5 de junio de 2016.

[Original entry 20 May 2016, actualizada a 5 de junio de 2016, date of completion of training].

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 21 and 22 May 2016

We are already in the middle of spring and we can perceive how this season and all the related issues resonate in our body., and Focusing teaches us to listen to ourselves inwardly in a deeper way and that mobilizes us.

focusing_madrid_mayo_junio_2016 Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" Madrid is raised so that those involved discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. On the one hand, we need a theoretical framework, so we explore the origins of Focusing, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On the other hand, to be practical and experiential, we will do exercises to recognize experientially our heartfelt feelings and to relate to them from a welcoming attitude and helpfulness, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To achieve also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 21 May 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 22 May 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me (F. Javier Romeo Biedma) between May and September 2016 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).


  • discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement.
  • discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I (You will need to prove it) and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.
  • When performing Focusing level II of the 18 and 19 de junio de 2016, there is another possibility discount.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information on Level I Focusing in Madrid 21 and 22 May 2016.

[Original entry 3 May 2016, actualizada a 22 May 2016, date formation].

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 16 and 17 de abril de 2016

Spring is coming and it can be a good time to listen to how the awakening of the natural world resonates in our body, and Focusing It is a very powerful tool to do.

focusing_2016_04_16-17_madridAt Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" in Madrid we ask that participants discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. On the one hand, to have a theoretical framework, explore its origins, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On the other hand, to be practical and experiential, do exercises to recognize our heartfelt feelings and to interact with them from an attitude of kindness and hospitality, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To achieve also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 16 de abril de 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 17 de abril de 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me (F. Javier Romeo Biedma) between April and June 2016 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).
DISCOUNTS: discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement. discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I (You will need to prove it) and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about the levels I Focusing in Madrid 16 and 17 de abril de 2016.

[Original entry 9 March 2016, actualizada a 17 de abril de 2016, date of completion of training].

My article on “Children and death”

In these final days of October the theme of death more frequently in the lives of children arises. Since the celebration of the Day of the Dead in certain families to all events of a different color of the Halloween, the reality is that it is a time when children can ask questions about death, and it is convenient to have prepared certain attitudes and listening spaces and answers.

Los niños y niñas y la muerteI wrote in 2011 an article that recovery here, “Children and death”, to remember some useful clues. In the article, published in the journal Our corner of 0-6 - ACCENT directed Childhood Education, They explore three key areas:

  • The perception of death at different ages (between zero and six years, which it is the subject of the magazine).
  • Some basic guidelines to accompany children to death.
  • recommended reading, separate readings for families and professionals and stories to read with children.

Article framing and start with this paragraph:

For a long time it was thought that children did not suffer grieving process until older ages. However, research in the field of addiction have shown that pass through grieving process from the earliest ages, although it does not manifest like adults until later. Therefore it is necessary to speak of death (and not hide it for fear of damaging them) when it happens (or when it will happen, in the case of terminally ill), to understand 1) that the person is definitely going and 2) that the person does not leave voluntarily, and also so they can say goodbye, because if these concepts are not clear and not a farewell occurs, a pathological mourning may appear. And so it is important that we listen and pay attention to what happens inside when the death occurs in their lives.
[cite as: ROMEO BIEDMA, Francisco Javier (2011): "Children and death" Our corner of 0-6 - ACCENT, 60, 17-21.]

Continue reading the article…

I hope that these reflections will serve to accompany this topic to children in your environment. Death is an inevitable part of life, and how better integrate, They will live more fully, our children and us.

I wish you a commemoration consciousness,


Level II Focusing on Madrid “Practice the six steps” the 24 and 25 October 2015

Preparing for the new academic year, Here is a proposal deepening Focusing linked to the previous post.

focusing-madrid-sept-oct-2015Level II provides the basic tools to begin accompany Focusing processes. We will practice how to accompany our own inner processes through autofocusing, especially on written focusing. And we will also experiment in pairs how to accompany another person, following both the steps of the methodology and the basic attitudes of listening and presence.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level II.

Date: sábado 24 October 2015, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 25 October 2015 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 140 euros. It includes materials.
If this level is done with the Level I of Focusing in Madrid 26 and 27 September 2015 the total price both courses It is 260 euros.
NOVELTY: discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement. discount 50% for people who have already completed Level II and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about Levels I and II Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 14 August 2015, actualizada a 25 October 2015, course end date.]

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 26 and 27 September 2015

The new academic year is approaching and we can perceive how our body lives all this, with both pleasant and unpleasant elements. Focusing We can teach us to listen to our bodies and our experiences in a different way, deeper and fuller.

focusing-madrid-sept-oct-2015 Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" Madrid aims to those involved discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. Theoretically, explore its origins, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On a practical level, do exercises to recognize our heartfelt feelings and to interact with them from an attitude of kindness and hospitality, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To this also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 26 September 2015, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 27 September 2015 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me between September and November 2015 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).
If this level is done with the Focusing level II in Madrid 24 and 25 October 2015 the total price both courses It is 260 euros.
NOVELTY: discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement. discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about Levels I and II Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 14 August 2015, actualizada a 27 September 2015, date of completion of training.]

Focusing and Nonviolent Communication to repair the sexual exploitation

espiralesci_chicas_nuevas_24_horas_mabel_lozano 4 September 2015 past I had the honor of attending the premiere of the documentary “new girls 24 hours”, (@girlsnew24h) directed and co-produced by Mabel Lozano (@LozanoMabel). From Spiral Consulting Children, of which I have been a founding member since 2009, we have been working on prevention for years, detection and intervention in cases of treats children's, girls and adolescents for the purpose of sexual exploitation. so i wrote this blog in which I explain why I consider it to be a documentary shocking, uncomfortable and essential.

walk_free_contralatrata, entity that fights against all types of modern slavery, has released this image to raise awareness today 23 September against sexual exploitation.

And I was left with the feeling of having more to say, somehow. Today, 23 of September, is he “International Day Against Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking in Women, Girls and boys” (The, rather technically, “against sexual exploitation and human trafficking”). So today may be a good day to make a second comment..

The weeks after seeing the documentary I was left with the special feeling. I became aware of all the possibilities offered by the Focusing and the Nonviolent Communication to help all people who have been trafficked for sexual exploitation, be women or men, girls or boys, the teenagers. Evidently, reparation for sexual exploitation is very complex and requires extensive social resources, and within psychosocial resources and therapy, you need a large availability of tools. What I offer here is a specific reflection of the contributions of these two processes that I know and that serve me to accompany people who have suffered some type of violence, especially sexual violence.

Focusing, which is a process of gentle listening to bodily felt sensations, It is a very powerful tool so that the person who has suffered sexual exploitation can recompose the relationship with their body. That body that has suffered so much damage and humiliation may have ways of expressing its pain that are harmful, both in the impulsive responses and in their blockages as well as in the relationships that it establishes. Focusing, with his “go step by step, to the rhythm that the body wants to show”, allows emotions to find a healthier way of expressing themselves and to gradually heal. At the same time, the person can recover their experience of the body “from inside”, little by little overcoming the barriers and dissociations that his body built in order to survive. You can read more about how I understand Focusing, and seeing some of the entries about Focusing that I have published in this blog.

On the other hand, the Nonviolent Communication It seems to me an enormously powerful tool for the person to recover the word. Person (woman or man, girl or boy), who has been denied the right to assert their opinion, to decide on your life, about his body and about his affectivity, can find support in two processes. On the one hand, Nonviolent Communication can accompany you in the way you narrate your story to yourself, to reformulate your life. This way you can prepare the necessary duels, and making decisions in a conscious and empowered way. On the other hand, Nonviolent Communication is also very useful in the field of relationships, and can help the person to communicate more authentically and assertively, and at the same time more respectful with herself and with other people. In this way you can empower yourself to reweave, with awareness, his network of affections. You can expand this information by reading about my understanding of Nonviolent Communication and some entries about CNV from this blog.

My memory goes to all the people who suffer sexual exploitation, and to those who work for their liberation and healing.

And my offer also goes to accompany in the repair of these processes, from the psychological accompaniment and the psychotherapy (en Madrid, for now).

With hope and awareness,


Nivel IV de Focusing “Deep emotions and bodily change” the 13 and 14 de junio de 2015 en Madrid

Level IV Focusing I have the pleasure to provide soon with my coordinator and friend Isabel Gascón, originally scheduled as residential for Miraflores de la Sierra, will finally take place in Madrid.

focusing_nivel_iv_junio_2015_madridIn this workshop we focus on working with the depths of our experience, our emotions and the relationships. explore the existential backdrop background, Once you have gained enough experience and expertise with the methodology and focusing attitude, in order to focus and accompany the other person in his experiential process.

valid for obtaining the Diploma Course Focusing recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute accounting as 12 hours Level IV.

It is necessary to have first made the levels I, II and III.

It must have made tutored before performing this level to leverage their content.

Date: sábado 13 de junio de 2015 of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00, and Sunday 14 de junio de 2015, of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place:Place: Pº General Martínez Campos 17, 7º A

Metro: church (line 1), Alonso Cano (line 7), Gregorio Marañón (lines 7 and 10) and Ruben Dario (line 5).
bus: 3, 5, 7, 16, 40, 61.

Practices possibility of Isabel Gascón Focusing tutored Friday afternoon, of 16:00 a 20:00. Price, 50 euros 4 hours. small group, in the same place as the course.

Price: 150 euros. It includes tuition and materials.

More information and registration directly contacting Isabel Gascón on the phone (+34) 670 719 094 or email to

Download the document with all the information on Level IV Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 21 de abril de 2015, actualizada a 14 de junio de 2015, date of completion of training.]

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