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Focusing Level I “Initiation Focusing” the 16 and 17 May 2015 en Madrid

With the arrival of good weather seems our body wakes up and brings new sensations, both pleasant and unpleasant, we can learn to listen Focusing.

focusing_i_mayo_2015_madridAt Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" in Madrid we will work as a kind of experiential way to approach from the body dimension to our entire inner world. Attitudes of respect and curiosity about what we find will mark a different way of being in the presence with our inner, and a more open approach what other people living mode (children, and adolescents, people we see in therapy, etc.). Aimed at both people interested in personal development as professionals helping relationship, will experience through experiential exercises a more authentic connection with our intelligence bodily felt.

valid for obtaining the Diploma Course Focusing recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute accounting as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 16 May 2015, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 17 May 2015 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me between May and June 2015 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information on Level I Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 22 de abril de 2015, actualizada a 17 May 2015, date of completion of training.]

En memoria de Mary Hendricks-Gendlin, Focusing reference


Mary Hendricks-Gendlin, photograph of The Focusing Institute.

Last 28 March 2015 Marion died (better known as “Mary”) N. Hendricks-Gendlin, an essential reference for the Focusing. I am among those who, without having known directly, We receive the inheritance of his work and his spirit.

Mary Hendricks-Gendlin fue, among other aspects of your life, psychologist, Focusing psychotherapist Orientation, founding member The Focusing Institute (Focusing Institute of New York) and director of it for many years. It has also been the partner of Gene Gendlin, who shaped the focusing process and continues to live, and the mother of Elissa, the daughter they had together.

For me the reference of Mary Hendricks-Gendlin comes mainly through Isabel Gascón, Focusing Spanish coordinator and my trainer Reference (after I certificate, I'm still learning it in every contact we have, personal or professional). Isabel Gascón, for its long history and its representation Focusing Institute Focusing Spanish for international issues (especially as vice president), He has had much contact with Mary, even in recent years, when Gene and Mary have left the address The Focusing Institute (Focusing Institute of New York). Precisely, a week before the death of Mary, in the National Conference Focusing 2015 Miraflores de la Sierra, Saturday 21, Isabel Gascón was commenting us several participants their experience of Mary and Gene, with love and tenderness, and from the admiration of all who have made both, supporting each other. I recommend reading the tribute of Isabel Gascón on their website.

Inheritance we receive not have known who directly takes many forms:

  • A Focusing Institute solid, Mary and Gene have led to a transition to a new organization adjusted to the reality of international and multidisciplinary Focusing.
  • Focusing international distribution, that she has been instrumental during his time as director. It seems essential to your article “Felt Sense Literacy” (also available in Spanish as “Literacy felt sense”), Focusing a moving vision as a force for social transformation.
  • Support for the creation of such important aspects for Focusing and groups “Changes” (“changes”), Focusing groups sharing between practitioners.
  • His current research in various areas of Focusing, Counseling and psychotherapy with Focusing and “Thinking At the Edge -TAE” (“Thinking From the Edge – PDB”).
  • His concept “Revolutionary pause”, that is to give us time before acting, before to answer, to stop and see how our body lives every situation. In this way we can achieve greater authenticity of decisions. You can read his impressive article “Focusing as a Force for Peace: The Revolutionary Pause” (English only for now), wherein the first lines are poignant in its simplicity and depth, and where the rest of the text develops from different points of view the concept of “Revolutionary pause”.

From here goes my gratitude to Mary Hendricks-Gendlin and my tribute to his life and his work, who have also touched my life. And my love and care to Gene Gendlin and to all those who have loved Mary, and they have lost not only an essential professional, but also to a master, companion and dear friend, as revealed by the comments of the tribute page The Focusing Institute.

With respect and care,


Twitter True Connection More

twitter_conexion_mas_autenticaTaking advantage of spring begins today, More Authentic Connection has already Twitter, ConexMasAutent, where they appear different entries published, as well as recommendations and other matters of interest Focusing, interpersonal communication based on Nonviolent Communication, personal development in general and psychotherapy.

I hope that is helpful.


Psychotherapy Networker, a resource to be on psychotherapy

psychotherapy It has an essential part of training in depth, and at the same time is very enriching to learn new approaches, new techniques, new ways to raise emerging issues. Updating and continuing training are part of the good practice of psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy Networker It is for me a very useful resource to be the day psychotherapy. Apart from other resources (videos, texts, specific numbers…), This organization publishes a journal that appears bimonthly in both paper and electronic format (Free access for two years), and each number has a thread, with articles by professionals who have worked on the topic of the month, and with very interesting references (in fact I have already bought several books after reading some articles, and I am very satisfied).


The website has many resources, and from here I want to recommend some articles and issues that seem particularly novel.

I leave you with good reading and I hope you enjoy it.


I understand how psychotherapy: Key ideas and a video to illustrate

Explain to anyone what the psychotherapy, and especially what I understand as psychotherapy, It is always a challenge. And when this is added we want to explain it to children, or adolescents, It finds it harder. And yet, psychotherapy is perfectly natural: to recover the lost balance (and thus regain control of their lives).

As human beings we are basically ready to grow healthily. It would be natural that all people might be moving through the various stages of childhood, adolescence and adulthood step. It would be natural, well, on the one hand to incorporate the nutrient elements psychologically (body, emotional, cognitive, procedural, attitudinal…) and on the other hand trying to overcome the painful and even harmful elements with new learning (of the kind “This attitude of mine and does not serve me” The “I do not ever want to deal with a person who does not respect me”). However, Sometimes things go wrong (a little or a lot), and you need to do something to move forward with health. Psychotherapy is a good way to integrate and heal the experiences, regaining enthusiasm for our life.

The video “Garra rufa (Doctor Fish)”, It was developed by a group of students of animation Sheridan College under the name of Frozen Mammoth Productions, among others Timothy Chan and Eunice Hwang, and we can serve as the starting point to begin reflection.

This video seems a good example to explain several key points that I like to make clear to children and adolescents, and also adults who pose make a psychotherapy:

1) The work of those who act as therapists is recover the healthy and alive who's inside we see. We all have something valuable by the mere fact of its existence, although sometimes very harmful situations have occurred, the external internal.

2) To recover what we have healthy and alive variety of means, Suitable whom we have before (and at his age, their likes, his style, what has lived…). always we hear, often we ask, and sometimes we propose activities (how to draw, or perform specific activities, or trying different techniques). Our goal is to give back to the person that he is healthy and alive, but cleaner and stronger so you can move your life.

3) We know that the process takes time. If we take weeks, months, years, living with painful, we will also need time to heal dedication. It is true that there may be discoveries that we radically change our experience at a time, as it appears in the video, but that only happens when we have been investigating our inner enough. And it takes time for that experience is put in place globally in our lives.

4) And we know that The process involves an effort. It's like cleaning a wound that has become infected, It may involve momentary pain, but the improvement is evident in the long run. The effort affects people who are around who comes for consultation. For children, and adolescents, the effort affects the family, and from my vision of psychotherapy I intervene only if there is a clear and strong commitment from family (especially primary caregivers).

5) As in the video, as therapists know well the experience because We have lived our own psychotherapy with our own challenges. Of course we have specific training, broad and deep, but we do not consider exceptional people. We are simply people who have watched our pain and we have learned to look at the pain of others constructively and from new perspectives.

I hope the video will serve you to have some clearer ideas about psychotherapy, especially when you please explain the your children, and adolescents.


Level III of Focusing “Learn to guide and accompany” of 27 from February to 1 March 2015 Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid)

Level III of Focusing that I have the pleasure of facilitating soon together with my coordinator and friend Isabel Gascón you will have the advantage of being residential in a magnificent house in Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid), which facilitates the creation of an environment conducive to the development of the Focusing attitude, so important in this phase of training.

In this third level, aspects as important as empathy in general and bodily empathy, which are so important for the good accompaniment of the process, are deepened.. The necessary skills and abilities are practiced and understood to be a good accompaniment to other people., as well as to master autofocusing.

The most common difficulties in the practice of the approach are also explored to provide students with more resources to help them in the different processes such as those that are going to be encountered and to clarify any doubts they may have..

And the possible interventions to facilitate the different Focusing processes are expanded much more so that the experiential process of the person who is focusing is unfolded..

valid for obtaining the Diploma Course Focusing recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute accounting as 12 Level III hours.

It is necessary to have previously completed levels I and II.

It is very convenient to have carried out tutored practices before completing this level in order to take advantage of its content..

Dates: Friday 27 February 2015 a las 21:00 (cena) until Sunday 1 March 2015 a las 14:00 (food is included for those who want to stay).

Price: 260 euros. Includes registration, material and accommodation in a single room with bathroom. Full board included from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch.

Possibility of doing tutored Focusing Practices on Friday afternoon, of 17.00 a 21:00. Price: 50 euros four hours. small group. For more information, hook up with Isabel Gascon.

More information and registration directly contacting Isabel Gascón on the phone (+34) 670 719 094 or email to

Download the document with all the information about Level III of Focusing in Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid)

[Original entry 13 January 2015, actualizada a 1 March 2015, date of completion of training.]

Book edited by Carlos Alemany “Gendlin's Practical Manual of Focusing”

alemany_manual_focusing_gendlinOne of the basic recommendations for those who already know the Focusing and want to continue advancing in their practice is the Gendlin's Practical Manual of Focusing, published by the Editorial Desclée in 2007. Carlos Alemany, introducer of Focusing in Spain, coordinated the edition of the book as a collaboration of sixteen Spanish-speaking Focusing professionals in homage to Eugene Gendlin, Focusing creator, for its eightieth anniversary.

The book is a current tour of the practice and teaching of Focusing divided into three parts. The part “I. Articles: Bases for understanding Gendlin's model” proposes a historical vision of the process of creating Focusing, with a comparison with other humanist models, very interesting to understand the concepts in a more subtle and precise way.

The part “II. Hands-on workshops and applications” offers a wide assortment of examples of how Focusing is applied in different situations (with the positives, with dreams, with the duels, with stress, with music, with movement…), that help to broaden views on the broad scope and creative and innovative possibilities in the practice of Focusing.

By last, the part “III: Appendices” collects a comparison of basic Focusing guides, bibliography and reference centers worldwide.

I recommend this book for people who already know something about Focusing (for example, who have read Gendlin's book Focusing. Process and technique of Focusing or who have done Level II or Level III within the training recognized by the Spanish Institute of Focusing), since it allows to delve into concepts in a pleasant way and discover new uses in a suggestive way, that help them create their own applications. Independent chapter structure allows skip reading, according to interests and priorities, in a light and fluid way.

You can read the index and introduction at the book's website at Editorial Desclée (there is also a copy saved here).

I wish you an enriching reading,


Focusing monograph “The relationship with emotions from the wisdom of the body” of 23 to the 25 January 2015 Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid)

I have the pleasure of offering together with my Focusing coordinator and friend Isabel Gascón this specific monograph on “The relationship with emotions from the wisdom of the body”, suitable both for people who want to deepen their personal development and for helping relationship professionals.

In this experiential course we will explore in depth the world of emotions, to better understand their complexity and learn to relate to all of them in a healthier way.

With the attitude and methodology of Focusing we find a powerful resource to get to know ourselves better, understand our emotional responses and those of others.

We will be able to discover in the felt sense of each person the true meaning of that emotion and also the best way to handle it in the direction of growth that this experience contains..

The objective is to find a different way of relating to emotions that allows us to live in a more coherent and authentic way.. It's about understanding, understand and accept. To know and listen to be able to change.

It will be a fundamentally practical experience in which we will work with facilitating elements of symbolization such as music and plastic expression..

It is necessary to have completed levels I and II of the training in Focusing.

This course is valid for obtaining the Diploma in Focusing from the Focusing Spanish Institute accounting as 12 monographic hours.

Dates: Friday 23 January 2015 a las 20:00 (before dinner) until Sunday 25 January 2015 a las 14:00 (food is included for those who want to stay).

Place: House of Spirituality of the Sacred Heart
Paseo de la Fuente El Cura, 13.
Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid)

intercity bus 725 from the Plaza de Castilla Transport Interchange (Madrid). Participants will be sent more information about transportation to Miraflores and other information of interest.

Price: 280 euros. Includes registration, material and accommodation in a single room with bathroom. Full board included from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch.

Optional tutored practices in the place of training on Friday afternoon 23 January 2015 of 17:00 a 20:00. small group. For more information, hook up with Isabel Gascon.

More information and registration directly contacting Isabel Gascón on the phone (+34) 670 719 094 or email to

Download the document with all the information about the Focusing Monograph “The relationship between emotions from the wisdom of the body”

[Original entry 13 January 2015, actualizada a 25 January 2015, event date.]

Focusing Level II “Practice the six steps” the 8 and 9 November 2014 en Madrid

For those who have already passed Level I, my Focusing coordinator and friend Isabel Gascón and I offer Level II Focusing “Practice the six steps”. Starting from the attitudes of respect and curiosity developed in Level I, we are going to discover our own Focusing path through the six steps proposed by Gendlin, both to deepen our experiences and to start accompanying other people. Aimed at both people interested in personal development and professionals in the helping relationship who have completed Level I, we will work in an experiential way to find a more authentic connection with our bodily felt intelligence.

Date: sábado 8 November 2014, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 9 November 2014 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Ulía Integral Psychology
C / Fernández de la Hoz 31, Lower Left.
28010 Madrid

Metro: church (line 1), Alonso Cano (line 7), Gregorio Marañón (lines 7 and 10) and Ruben Dario (line 5).

Price: 120 euros. It includes materials.

If they do the Tier I October 2014 and this November Level II 2014 The total price of both courses is 230 euros.

More information and registration by contacting me directly on the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or by email.

This course is valid for obtaining the Diploma in Focusing from the Focusing Spanish Institute accounting as 12 hours Level II.

[Original entry 22 September 2014, actualizada a 9 November 2014, fecha de finalización del curso.]

Focusing Level I “Initiation Focusing” the 4-5 October 2014 en Madrid

The new course begins and the training in Focusing in Madrid begins again.

Once again I have the pleasure of teaching together with my Focusing coordinator and friend Isabel Gascón Focusing Level I “Initiation Focusing”. In this workshop we are going to work experientially on a friendly way of approaching our entire inner world from the bodily dimension.. Attitudes of respect and curiosity about what we find will mark a different way of being in the presence with our inner, and a more open approach what other people living mode (children, and adolescents, people we see in therapy, etc.). Aimed at both people interested in personal development as professionals helping relationship, will experience through experiential exercises a more authentic connection with our intelligence bodily felt.

Date: sábado 4 October 2014, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 5 October 2014 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Paseo de los Cerezos No. 9
Metro Avenue of Peace (line 4)

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and an individual Focusing session outside of course hours (between October and December 2014) with my accompaniment.

If this Level I of October of 2014 and Tier II November 2014 The total price of both courses is 230 euros.

More information and registration by contacting me directly on the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or by email.

This course is valid for obtaining the Diploma in Focusing from the Focusing Spanish Institute accounting as 12 hours Level I.

[Original entry 22 September 2014, actualizada a 5 October 2014, date of completion of training.]

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