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Three tributes to Gene Gendlin, Focusing father

From the Gene Gendlin death, the “father” del Focusing, last 1 May 2017, Focusing community has expressed its appreciation to the work and life of this great man, and I have had the honor of participating in three of these tributes.

Homage in Madrid by the Spanish Institute Focusing

31 May 2017 a meeting of tribute to Gene Gendlin coordinated by took place Isabel Gascón Tomillo Open Center in, Focusing a historical place in Madrid and Spain, where several developments have made us. In a meeting with people from near and far, and the presence in the distance of many others, We share a time to remember Gene Gendlin and all that has given us.

As a final gesture, Isabel prepare a sapling planted later along with others around the world Focusing on the Sierra de Madrid, in the house for us so many memories of formations, Summer Schools and National Conference Focusing.

The tree, Photos of Gene Gendlin and his wife, Mary Hendricks-Gendlin, and Isabel Gascón, Tomeu Barcelo and others.

Tribute at the Garrison Institute in New York by the International Conference Focusing Oriented Therapy 2017

Yolanda Bernárdez, Trainer and Spanish FOP, in front of the tree dedicated to Gene Gendlin at the Garrison Institute.

22 de junio de 2017, as part of the opening ceremony IV International Conference Focusing Oriented Therapy 2017, held at the Garrison Institute (Garrison, New York), there was a space to remember Gene Gendlin. For me it was an honor to participate in the first international event was made after the death of Gene Gendlin, and hear directly what they shared many people who had known him for decades, with anecdotes, details, learning and memory in general, and that resonated within me.

Y, curiously, He had also prepared a sapling (larger than Madrid) to plant at the Garrison Institute, an emblematic place of many formations of the international community Focusing, and where Gene Gendlin taught many times. The tree also served to hang all cards with good wishes for the conference we write between all participants and attended the plenary hall until the end.

official homage of the International Focusing Institute in New York

And this Saturday 12 August 2017 It took place the official ceremony by the International Focusing Institute (The International Focusing Institute, GIRLS) in New York City, but broadcast live and official attention to the chat participants from around the world. Despite the distance and electronic media, full service and subsequent discussions are available in full online (It has previous times and breaks included, so the tribute itself begins the minute 16 video).

There have been many special moments. Among them I would highlight:

  • The vision that gave Gerry Gendlin, the son of Gene Gendlin, his father's, next, human, and a promise he made to comply: remind us all that Gene was divorced from his first wife and smoking, so that we are always aware that it was a human being with flaws and limitations (from 1 hour 23 minute video).
  • The eight shared by Ann Weiser Cornell times, that condense much of the attitude of Gendlin in many areas of thought and generally Focusing (available from 1 hour 07 Video minutes).
  • The open space where many people have shared, present or sending texts (Available from 3 hours 2 minutes 30 seconds).

I invite you to take a look at the video and that you can somehow join the tribute to the life and work of Gene Gendlin. You can also read more on page tribute to Gene Gendlin:

In deep respect and celebration,

F. Javier Romeo

Learnings of the Fourth International Conference Focusing Oriented Therapy in New York 2017

A few weeks ago I returned from the IV International Conference Focusing Oriented Therapy (The 2017 International Focusing-Oriented Therapy Conference) which it took place in Garrison, New York (U.S) of 21 to the 25 de junio de 2017.

It has been a very enriching experience, full of shared learning spaces and meetings professionally and personally, included a tribute to Gene Gendlin.

For me it was an opportunity to learn more about various approaches to psychotherapy Focusing Oriented applied to my personal practice and professional:

  • I really enjoyed the workshop prior to the conference given by Laury Rappaport “Integrate artistic expression from an orientation Focusing your clinical practice” (“Integrating Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) into Your Clinical Practice”).

  • I learned a lot from the study group led by Nancy morning Falls “'I am not my trauma!’ – Focusing Orientation therapy for children, girls and young people who have experienced trauma” (“‘I’m Not My Trauma!’ — FOT for Children and Youth Who Have Experienced Trauma”).

And then all have been shorter workshops (two or three every afternoon), spaces that have been exploring new prospects for the therapeutic use of Focusing in a shorter format, and all conversations and meetings at meals, breaks and closure activities each day.

Back with many ideas to further explore the use of Focusing in psychotherapy and various lines of work to investigate in my practice. We will comment later.

And I also bring the feeling of a community alive and growing Focusing, looking for new processes and new developments to continue “carrying life forward”.

Group photo of participants at the Conference FOT (credit: The International Focusing Institute).

I hope to continue to share everything I learned.

F. Javier Romeo Biedma

Celebrating the life of Gene Gendlin and honoring his death

Eugene Gendlin, official image of the International Focusing Institute.

Eugene (“Gene”) Gendlin has died yesterday 1 May 2017 ninety years old, and me, as the entire community of Focusing, I am moved by his death, and while grateful for all your contributions.

Eugene Gendlin was born 25 December 1926 in Vienna, Austria, and he escaped from Nazi persecution achieving reach US 1939. born American, He ended up graduating in philosophy and earned his doctorate after working for more than a decade in collaboration with Carl Rogers at the University of Chicago. The result of his dual training as a philosopher and as a psychotherapist, their contribution is extensive.

Gendlin always insisted that there had “created” the Focusing, a process of self-awareness and emotional and psychological healing through bodily sensations, but only “he had discovered a few steps to make the process more accessible”. It is now a tool used in psychotherapy and in many other areas. And all his discoveries are accompanied by a strong intellectual scaffolding, Philosophy of the Implicit.

In 1985 created what is now the International Focusing Institute (The International Focusing Institute) to give continuity to all these lines of work, which brings together more than 2000 professionals and supporters around the world, and where he has bequeathed his entire library that can be accessed online (the Gendlin Online Library).

Despite his advanced age, health problems and the death of his wife Mary Hendricks-Gendlin two years ago, Gendlin had remained active within its capabilities, writing articles and participating in training by phone.

In my case, Aside from having read his books and articles, I have had the pleasure and honor to participate in several “Conversations from the edge with Gene [Gendlin] In y [Weiser Cornell]”, the latter organized (watch my ideas September Conversation–October of 2016). For me it was a privilege to talk to him directly, with its warmth and brilliance despite their pain and difficulties, perceiving their interest in each person and the world, and very interested in knowing how his legacy continued. And I was impressed by his presence when he accompanied me on a process of focusing on one of the last conversations.

International Focusing Institute has enabled a special page that honor the memory of Gene Gendlin (, and from here I invite you to participate, Read other people's comments or add your own experiences. I certainly feel a lot of sadness at this loss, while I celebrate having met Gene Gendlin's work over the years and have been able to talk to him live on several occasions. I feel part of his legacy, and I hope to convey with warmth, inspired by him.

In celebration and mourning,

F. Javier Romeo

Upgrade 14 August 2017: I wrote an entry about three tributes to Gene Gendlin in which I participated, which completes the shared dimension at Community level.

Taller “Focusing and body dimension of violence” within the day “Emotions and psychotherapy” in Madrid 15 March 2017

It is for me an honor to have been invited to give a workshop on “Focusing and body dimension of violence” inside of Working day “Emotions and psychotherapy: Challenges and Applications”, organized by the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid.

In psychotherapy practice we see many situations of violence, from the most subtle to the most intense, and especially its consequences. This workshop offers an experiential journey through experiential exercises based on Eugene Gendlin Focusing. This way we can get to identify violence from the body (also from the cognitive), an essential step to increase our effectiveness in preventing, detect and intervene in cases of violence (child abuse and its effects in adulthood, sexual abuse, gender violence…).

Date: Wednesday, 15 March 2017, of 15:30 a 17:30.

Place: Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid – ICADE
C / Alberto Aguilera, 23

More information and registration on the website of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid.

Download the full program of the Day “Emotions and Psychotherapy: Challenges and Applications”.

[Original entry 27 February 2017, actualizada a 15 March 2017, Date event].

my article “Combining Focusing and Nonviolent Communication”, translated into Japanese: Intersection of the focusing and the non-violent communication

Text in SpanishJapaneseClick here to read in English

Focusing International Conference in Cambridge (United Kingdom) in July 2016 continues to bear fruit.

Today I have the honor to present the translation of my article “Combining Focusing and Nonviolent Communication. Reflecting deeper implications for” (appeared in 2014 in The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy) Japanese, with the suggestive title “Focusing and non-violent communication intersection of - towards the deeper implications tell-back -“.

Con Madoka Kawahara (Kawahara circle).

Cambridge had the pleasure to meet Madoka Kawahara (Kawahara circle), Focusing training psychotherapist who had initiated the translation of the article a while back, already Mako Hikasa (Mako Hikasa), Focusing renowned Coordinator, which joined the project in its final phase translation. Our discussions from that meeting made the project proceed, and now there is this careful translation is available on the website Focusing Japanese Association (Japan Focusing Association), and I reproduce here with his permission.

From here I want to express my deep appreciation for their efforts and dedication (there have been many emails back and forth to clarify concepts and terms) so you can know this aspect of Focusing among many practitioners and professionals Focusing Japan.

In deep appreciation,



Cambridge 27th International Focusing Conference, which was held in (the UK)It is、It has brought a more abundant achievements。

now、I、paper"Intersection of the focusing and the non-violent communication - deeper implications toward tell-back -""Journal for focusing and experiencing therapy"The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential TherapyVol. 25, No. 1、2014I am honored to be posted on the year) has been translated into Japanese。



Madoka Kawahara

In Cambridge、Mr. counselor Madoka Kawahara undergoing focusing training Ya、There was a happy encounter with renowned certification focusing Coordinator Mako Hikasa。Because、And Ms. Madoka Kawahara is already working on this translation、And in the final stage of the project、Mako HikasaIt has been added。After the International Conference、Keep in touch us towards the translation completed、Then now、The exact Japanese translation has been completed。this is、Japan focusing association's Web siteYou can read in。Than the association、We received the authorization of the link posted。

To me is a certain enthusiasm and their interest effort、Deeply Thank you。In order to clarify the concepts and nuances、It was frequently exchanged e-mail。Many of certified Focusing trainers and practitioners of Japan、Because becomes an opportunity to get to know this aspect of focusing。



English text

The International Focusing Conference 2016 in Cambridge (United Kingdom) keeps bringing more fruits.

Now I have the honor of presenting my article “Crossing Focusing and Nonviolent Communication: Reflecting for Deeper Implications”, that appeared in The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy in 2014, translated into Japanese with the title “Focusing and non-violent communication intersection of - towards the deeper implications tell-back -“.

With Madoka Kawahara (Kawahara circle).

In Cambridge I had the pleasure of meeting Madoka Kawahara (Kawahara circle), a psychotherapist trained in Focusing who had already started the translation some time ago, and Mako Hikasa (Mako Hikasa), a renowned Focusing Coordinator that joined the project in its final stages. The conversations we had after that encounter have brought the work to its completion, and now we have this precise translation, that is available on the website of the Japan Focusing Association (Japan Focusing Association), reproduced here with permission.

I want to express my profound gratitude for their interest and hard work –there have been lots of e-mails to clarify concepts and nuances– to make possible that this aspect of Focusing might be known among the numerous Focusing professionals and practitioners in Japan.

In gratitude,


Vídeo de Gene Gendlin: “We are different when interacting with different people”

Today I want to share this video posted by the International Focusing Institute (The International Focusing Institute) de Gene Gendlin, the father of Focusing, in which he talks about how “we are different when we interact with different people”. In this short but rich recording, Gendlin explica (with Spanish subtitles, that can be turned on and off) that this has the consequence that by sharing something of ours with another person, the very act of being with the other person facilitates the change.

A suggestive and inspiring video. Hope you enjoy the.


Focusing Centro, the new draft comprehensive training in Focusing

With great joy I announce the appearance of Focusing Centro, the new draft comprehensive training in Focusing in which I participate as an outsource partner.


After months of preparation, finally sees the light of this new initiative. They have undertaken a Focusing team with extensive experience: Isabel Gascón, Ema Lucia, Carlos Gonzalez and Beatriz Cazurro, and we support external collaborations with other trainers Focusing among whom I include myself.

It appears on the website, Focusing Centro is a team of professionals certified by the International Institute Focusing born with the commitment and enthusiasm to provide customized training, and rigorous quality. Focusing Center since it firmly believes in the body's self-healing ability we all possess and we want to spread and teach this technique and this philosophy with a personalized training, and rigorous quality. comprehensive training plan is offered and also the possibility that people who are now in training to end his career.

For more information, it is best that you use the possibilities offered in the contact page directly, which is where they are centralizing all information. If however you want to ask me something specific, I can inform you also contact the usual way.

With enthusiasm and hope,


Manual “Focusing in clinical practice” de Ann Weiser Cornell (translated by F. Javier Romeo)

It is a pleasure for me to share publishing Focusing in clinical practice. The essence of change, the last book Ann Weiser Cornell in Spanish, in this case translated by me.


In a carefully edited within the Psychology Library of Editorial Desclée, This book appears thanks to the joint work of many people, I thank you from here.

First, Ann Weiser Cornell He has been willing to publish the book (which first it appeared in the prestigious American publishing mental health W. W. Norton), and it has been in the translation every nuance, answering various questions and looking me the words tighter each of its concepts and expressions. He has contributed a warm prologue to the Spanish edition (which can be read in the promotional booklet), in which he says:

In this book I have tried to explain the Focusing simply but without losing the complexity that makes it so special. I tried to make this book very practical, so that the clinician can use immediately. (P. 18)

On the other hand, the urge Isabel Gascón, National Coordinator and my mentor Focusing Focusing, you have set the book, from coordinating with the publisher until complete review of the drafts and a presentation to the Spanish edition which it highlights the interest of this book in the Spanish-speaking world (also available in promotional booklet).

By last, It is appreciated the concern and care of the editorial team Desclée, who has worked for a clear and elegant book, in one of the most prestigious collections of psychology in Spain.

In future posts I will comment more aspects that I find this book useful. By the time I leave you with the index (which is extended here), I will comment on the various chapters in other blog entries:

  • Introduction. A door opens.
  • 1. The essence of change.
  • 2. Prepare for the meeting: Entering Focusing sessions with clients.
  • 3. Recognize and cultivate heartfelt feelings.
  • 4. Help customers who felt sensations arise.
  • 5. Cultivate the Self-en-customer presence: The essential environment for heartfelt feelings.
  • 6. deepening: How to facilitate change sense.
  • 7. When it costs us more to work with some difficulty customers.
  • 8. Focusing en trauma, addictions and depression.
  • 9. Focusing on integrating different therapeutic modalities.
  • 10. Focusing therapist.
  • Appendix.

For me it is a celebration that we can have this book so practical and yet profound, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed translating.

F. Javier Romeo

If you want to try Focusing session, or start therapy, I have my psychology consultation in Madrid, where I accompany children, adolescents and adults and will be happy to welcome you.

Focusing tutored in Madrid in November 2016

As everything in life, Focusing is learned by practicing.

Focusing practices are a fundamental space in the learning of Focusing. With a structure in three roles that rotate (who focuses, who accompanies and who observes), you learn from each of them, with a part of focusing and another part of shared comment, from a welcoming and curious environment (essential in Focusing), and under my supervision as a trainer. From the comments we all learn (I also), and we can take ideas for our own Focusing practice, when accompanying and focusing.

Dates: viernes, 25 November 2016, of 16:00 a 20:00. (There is the possibility of doing only two hours, if there is enough group).

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.


  • 2 hours, 35 euros.
  • 4 hours, 70 euros.

Minimum three participants, maximum six, to ensure the quality of training.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

[Original entry 18 November 2016, actualizada a 25 November 2016, date of the tutored practices].

Level II Focusing on Madrid “Practice the six steps” the 19 and 20 November 2016

To consolidate a minimum base in Focusing, This entry offers Level II of Focusing “Practice the six steps” linked to Level I of Focusing that can be taken 1 and 2 October 2016, the 15 and 16 October 2016 or the 29 and 30 October 2016.

focusing_madrid_octubre_noviembre_2016Level II provides the basic tools to begin accompany Focusing processes. We will practice how to accompany our own inner processes through autofocusing, especially on written focusing. And we will also experiment in pairs how to accompany another person, following both the steps of the methodology and the basic attitudes of listening and presence.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level II.

Date: sábado 19 November 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 20 November 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials.


  • discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement.
  • discount 25% for people who have done the Level I with me in the 90 days prior to Level II (for example, the 1 and 2 October 2016, the 15 and 16 October 2016 or the 29 and 30 October 2016).
  • discount 50% for people who have already completed Level II and want to repeat.
  • These three discounts cannot be combined with each other.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about Levels I and II Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 20 September 2016, actualizada a 20 November 2016, date formation].

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