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Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 4 and 5 de junio de 2016

To cater to the people who did not fit them Focusing the level I 21 and 22 of May, an extra call, in June.

focusing_madrid_mayo_junio_2016 Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" Madrid is raised so that those involved discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. On the one hand, we need a theoretical framework, so we explore the origins of Focusing, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On the other hand, to be practical and experiential, we will do exercises to recognize experientially our heartfelt feelings and to relate to them from a welcoming attitude and helpfulness, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To achieve also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 4 de junio de 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 5 de junio de 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me (F. Javier Romeo Biedma) between June and September 2016 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).


  • discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement.
  • discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I (You will need to prove it) and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.
  • When performing Focusing level II of the 18 and 19 de junio de 2016, there is another possibility discount.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information on Level I Focusing in Madrid 4 and 5 de junio de 2016.

[Original entry 20 May 2016, actualizada a 5 de junio de 2016, date of completion of training].

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 21 and 22 May 2016

We are already in the middle of spring and we can perceive how this season and all the related issues resonate in our body., and Focusing teaches us to listen to ourselves inwardly in a deeper way and that mobilizes us.

focusing_madrid_mayo_junio_2016 Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" Madrid is raised so that those involved discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. On the one hand, we need a theoretical framework, so we explore the origins of Focusing, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On the other hand, to be practical and experiential, we will do exercises to recognize experientially our heartfelt feelings and to relate to them from a welcoming attitude and helpfulness, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To achieve also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 21 May 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 22 May 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me (F. Javier Romeo Biedma) between May and September 2016 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).


  • discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement.
  • discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I (You will need to prove it) and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.
  • When performing Focusing level II of the 18 and 19 de junio de 2016, there is another possibility discount.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information on Level I Focusing in Madrid 21 and 22 May 2016.

[Original entry 3 May 2016, actualizada a 22 May 2016, date formation].

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 16 and 17 de abril de 2016

Spring is coming and it can be a good time to listen to how the awakening of the natural world resonates in our body, and Focusing It is a very powerful tool to do.

focusing_2016_04_16-17_madridAt Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" in Madrid we ask that participants discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. On the one hand, to have a theoretical framework, explore its origins, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On the other hand, to be practical and experiential, do exercises to recognize our heartfelt feelings and to interact with them from an attitude of kindness and hospitality, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To achieve also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 16 de abril de 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 17 de abril de 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me (F. Javier Romeo Biedma) between April and June 2016 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).
DISCOUNTS: discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement. discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I (You will need to prove it) and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about the levels I Focusing in Madrid 16 and 17 de abril de 2016.

[Original entry 9 March 2016, actualizada a 17 de abril de 2016, date of completion of training].

Workshop on CNV and Focusing at the V Meeting of Nonviolent Communication Practitioners 11-13 March 2016 Toledo

acnv-v-encuentro-2016-toledoOne more year, It is a joy and an honor for me to return to participate in the V Meeting of Nonviolent Communication Practitioners organized by the Association for Nonviolent Communication, facilitating my workshop this year “Nonviolent Communication and Focusing. The bodily dimension of needs”.

Full event dates: Friday 11 to Sunday 13 March 2016.

Place: Hostel San Servando
Cuesta de San Servando s / n


To read the full information, request clarification and register, go to specific web page of the event.

To learn a little about the theoretical bases of what we are going to work on, since Marshall Rosenberg himself was part of the process of Focusing in some listening sessions and recommended it, You can consult my article “Combining Focusing and Nonviolent Communication. Reflecting deeper implications for”, published in the issue of 2014 of The Folio. A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy, the official academic journal The Focusing Institute (Focusing Institute of New York).

I hope we can see each other there.


[Original entry 1 March 2016, actualizada a 13 March 2016, event end date].

Level II Focusing on Madrid “Practice the six steps” the 24 and 25 October 2015

Preparing for the new academic year, Here is a proposal deepening Focusing linked to the previous post.

focusing-madrid-sept-oct-2015Level II provides the basic tools to begin accompany Focusing processes. We will practice how to accompany our own inner processes through autofocusing, especially on written focusing. And we will also experiment in pairs how to accompany another person, following both the steps of the methodology and the basic attitudes of listening and presence.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level II.

Date: sábado 24 October 2015, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 25 October 2015 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 140 euros. It includes materials.
If this level is done with the Level I of Focusing in Madrid 26 and 27 September 2015 the total price both courses It is 260 euros.
NOVELTY: discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement. discount 50% for people who have already completed Level II and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about Levels I and II Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 14 August 2015, actualizada a 25 October 2015, course end date.]

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 26 and 27 September 2015

The new academic year is approaching and we can perceive how our body lives all this, with both pleasant and unpleasant elements. Focusing We can teach us to listen to our bodies and our experiences in a different way, deeper and fuller.

focusing-madrid-sept-oct-2015 Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" Madrid aims to those involved discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. Theoretically, explore its origins, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On a practical level, do exercises to recognize our heartfelt feelings and to interact with them from an attitude of kindness and hospitality, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To this also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 26 September 2015, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 27 September 2015 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me between September and November 2015 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).
If this level is done with the Focusing level II in Madrid 24 and 25 October 2015 the total price both courses It is 260 euros.
NOVELTY: discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement. discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about Levels I and II Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 14 August 2015, actualizada a 27 September 2015, date of completion of training.]

“Connect with Respect” (“Respect for Me, Respect for You”), Bridget Belgrave material for Nonviolent Communication work with adolescents and young

Last weekend 12 and 13 September 2015 I have had the privilege and pleasure of working again Bridget Belgrave. As I mentioned in this post, I met Bridget Belgrave already Gina Lawrie, Certified trainers for the Center for Nonviolent Communication (Center for NonViolent Communication, CNVC), in 2009 and from that moment we began to work together to translate NVC Dance Floors the Castilian. Completed translations finally saw the light in 2014, with some illustrative videos that can be viewed I made this entry for release. Association for Nonviolent Communication It has organized a series of training courses in Madrid, Bilbao and Barcelona during September 2015, and for me it has been a pleasure to work again with Bridget Belgrave support team with the translation from English into Castilian and vice versa.

In preparing the workshop I have spent time reviewing all the materials I have the NVC Dance Floors and of Bridget en particular. And valuing all materials, each with its wealth, there is one that is still my favorite. In fact, Bridget invited me to share my vision at some point of the workshop, and I happened also to extend my recommendation in this blog.

connect_with_respect_belgraveThe material in question is only in English and not have subtitles or translations available, but I hope that does not discourage approach him. “Connect with Respect” (“Connect on respect”, literally translated into Castilian) is a multimedia material documenting a project that made Bridget Belgrave 2004 with 21 adolescents and young adults with an average age of seventeen. The project was proposed as an intervention to train boys and girls in situations of social difficulty Nonviolent Communication, within the framework of a workshop building urban rhythms, for ten weeks.

Why recommend? Here is a summary of my reasons:

  • The DVD with the film, of 25 minute. Collect the key moments of the project, recorded therefore the three trainers as by young people themselves, and edited in collaboration with them. In fact, as told in a passage, the fact of viewing previous sessions helped them all become more aware of their own learning and getting behaviors that would be well suited to the needs of everyone. It is a graph document lets put faces (and sounds) to different situations, and lets figure out how to apply it in other contexts.


  • The video is supplemented with the second part of the book, “Guide to the Film” (“Guide for the film”), on which sequence by sequence discussed everything that happens: each situation, how teaches Nonviolent Communication, Practice times, the real conflicts that arise… This will better understand the intent of each activity and the difficulties encountered and how they were addressed.

connect_with_respect_handbook_1a connect_with_respect_handbook_2a

  • And the third part of the book contains the complete program, ten weeks with all their detailed exercises and all materials also typeset (English), as well as incorporating a CD-ROM with the file of each material in PDF ready to print. Obviously the video does not collect all the exercises, so it is very useful to see the progression activity to activity, with the ability to replicate.

connect_with_respect_handbook_3a connect_with_respect_handbook_4a

  • The availability of a translation of what the Dance floor itself to Castilian, with title “Respect for Me, Respect for You”, within the complete package Dance Floors.
  • And the caveat Bridget Belgrave not attempt a project of this type without having one hand a strong background and experience in Nonviolent Communication, and secondly an educational team with some basis of CNV and experienced in working with adolescents. I made some of these exercises with adolescents and youth at risk in Madrid and went well, so I'm available.

In summary, a material worth seeing, read, reread and implement. And you can buy in its online store, Life Resources.

And if you want more clarification, You can call me on my phone contact and discuss what you want.

I hope we can soon have more projects of this style here!


Dance Floors CNV with Bridget Belgrave in Madrid 12 and 13 September 2015

I have the honor and pleasure to support translating during the next workshop of the NVC Dance Floors which it is intended to impart Bridget Belgrave en Madrid, with organization Association for Nonviolent Communication.

I met Bridget Belgrave already Gina Lawrie, Certified trainers for the Center for Nonviolent Communication (Center for NonViolent Communication, CNVC), in 2009 and thereafter we begin to work together to translate NVC Dance Floors the Castilian. Translations finally saw the light 2014, with some illustrative videos that can be viewed I made this entry for release. now Association for Nonviolent Communication It has organized a series of training courses in Madrid, Bilbao and Barcelona during September 2015, and I have the pleasure to work again with Bridget Belgrave team supporting the translation from English into Castilian and vice versa in the formation of Madrid, which will focus on the topic “Talking without express or hear blame or criticism (Dance Dance Autoempatía and the 13 Steps for dialogue)”.

bridget_belgrave_madrid_2015Dates: sábado 12 September 2015 of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 13 September 2015 of 10:00 a 14:00.

Place: Neuronilla room
C/ Doctor Cortezo 17, 2º

More information Prices (usual for people members of the Association and special discount registration discount until completed 5 September 2015), contact details and formations of Bilbao and Barcelona on the website of the Association for Nonviolent Communication.

[Original entry 2 September 2015, actualizada a 13 September 2015, date of completion of training.]

Level II Focusing on Madrid “Practice the six steps” the 21, 22 and 23 July 2015

Taking advantage of the summer time, which may be occupationally lighter and longer days, Here is a proposal deepening Focusing linked to the previous post.

focusing_madrid_niveles_1-2_julio_2015My reference coordinator Focusing and friend Isabel Gascón and I invite you to deepen experientially in this friendly way to approach from the body dimension to our entire inner world. In Level II Focusing delves into the self-focusing, paying attention to the six steps of the process and technique of body approach. Focusing also learn to make written as a valuable resource that fosters creativity, self-examination and self-knowledge. And couples, we practice the attitudes and methodology necessary to accompany the other person and facilitate your internal process.

valid for obtaining the Diploma Course Focusing recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute accounting as 12 hours Level II.

Date: Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 July 2015, of 17:00 a 21:00.

Place: Madrid (place with access by metro and bus and public car parks). determining slope, as the group size.

Price: 140 euros. It includes materials.
If this level is done with the Focusing level I in Madrid 14, 15 and 16 July 2015 the total price both courses It is 260 euros.
NOVELTY: discount 50% for people who have already completed Level II and want to repeat.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about Levels I and II Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 30 de junio de 2015, actualizada a 23 July 2015, date of completion of training.]

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 14, 15 and 16 July 2015

Summer has arrived, and can be a time to stop and explore new ways of caring inside. Focusing We can teach us to listen to our body intelligence and our experiences in a different way, deeper and fuller.

focusing_madrid_niveles_1-2_julio_2015At Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" in Madrid we offer my referral coordinator Focusing and friend Isabel Gascón and I will work as a kind of experiential way to approach from the body dimension to our entire inner world. Attitudes of respect and curiosity about what we find will mark a different way of being in the presence with our inner, and a more open approach what other people living mode (children, and adolescents, people we see in therapy, etc.). Aimed at both people interested in personal development as professionals helping relationship, will experience through experiential exercises a more authentic connection with our intelligence bodily felt.

valid for obtaining the Diploma Course Focusing recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute accounting as 12 hours Level I.

Date: Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 July 2015, of 17:00 a 21:00.

Place: Madrid (place with access by metro and bus and public car parks). determining slope, as the group size.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me between July and September 2015 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).
If this level is done with the Focusing level II in Madrid 21, 22 and 23 July 2015 the total price both courses It is 260 euros.
NOVELTY: discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I and want to repeat.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information about Levels I and II Focusing in Madrid.

[Original entry 30 de junio de 2015, actualizada a 16 July 2015, last day of training.]

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