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Label: Focusing

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 15 and 16 October 2016

To facilitate participation, and as an alternative date to Level I of 1 and 2 October 2016, This call offers a second date to start training in Focusing with the academic year.

focusing_madrid_octubre_noviembre_2016 Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" Madrid is raised so that those involved discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. On the one hand, we need a theoretical framework, so we explore the origins of Focusing, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On the other hand, to be practical and experiential, we will do exercises to recognize experientially our heartfelt feelings and to relate to them from a welcoming attitude and helpfulness, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To achieve also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 15 October 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 16 October 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00. (Also available on Level I of 1 and 2 October 2016).

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me (F. Javier Romeo Biedma) between October and December 2016 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).


  • discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement.
  • discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I (You will need to prove it) and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.
  • When performing Focusing level II of the 19 and 20 November 2016, there is another possibility discount.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information on Levels I and II of Focusing in Madrid in October and November 2016.

[Original entry 20 September 2016, actualizada a 16 October 2016, course end date].

Focusing level I in Madrid “Initiation Focusing” the 1 and 2 October 2016

The academic year begins, and you can also start training in Focusing, both to know what it consists of and discover its usefulness on a personal level as well as to train professionally in the long term.

focusing_madrid_octubre_noviembre_2016 Focusing Level I "Introduction to Focusing" Madrid is raised so that those involved discover experiencialmente how the focusing process live from inside. On the one hand, we need a theoretical framework, so we explore the origins of Focusing, its key concepts, the principles of the process and its possible applications. On the other hand, to be practical and experiential, we will do exercises to recognize experientially our heartfelt feelings and to relate to them from a welcoming attitude and helpfulness, so our deep intelligence shows us his wisdom. To achieve also we practice how to prepare the body for the process and how to clear a suitable inner space for the internal process to unfold.

valid course for obtaining the Diploma of Focusing, recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as 12 hours Level I.

Date: sábado 1 October 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 and of 16:00 a 20:00 and Sunday 2 October 2016 of 10:00 a 14:00. (Also available on Level I of 15 and 16 October 2016).

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Price: 150 euros. It includes materials and Focusing an individual session with me (F. Javier Romeo Biedma) between October and December 2016 (outside the course schedule, Skype for those who live outside Madrid).


  • discount 25% for people who can prove their status student, unemployment or retirement.
  • discount 50% for people who have already completed Level I (You will need to prove it) and want to repeat. These two discounts can not be combined with each other.
  • When performing Focusing level II of the 19 and 20 November 2016, there is another possibility discount.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

Download the document with all the information on Levels I and II of Focusing in Madrid in October and November 2016.

[Original entry 20 September 2016, actualizada a 2 October 2016, course end date].

And my appointment as a member for International Relations at the Spanish Institute of Focusing

Continuing in the line of the previous entry, and closely related to her, is my appointment as a member of International Relations within the Board of Directors of the Spanish Institute of Focusing, one more element of the calls to action that have emerged from my participation in the International Conference on Focusing in Cambridge (United Kingdom) last july 2016.

focusing_espanaAs commented in that entrance, in the Focusing Spanish Institute we understand that, as well as the action of teaching and accompaniment with Focusing is mostly individual, each with his style and sensitivity, and always within the publicly agreed criteria and competencies, However, all organizational and participation action must come from collegiate structures.

Therefore, when they invited me to participate in the International Focusing Institute Membership Committee based in New York (The International Focusing Institute), I put this position at the disposal of the Spanish Institute of Focusing, to be occupied by anyone as representation from Spain. What would be my surprise when I was invited to assume a vowel linked to International Relations within the Board of Directors and to accept that same international position. I accepted the proposal, the appropriate steps contemplated in the statutes have been taken and I have recently been appointed a member.

I am very excited to be able to contribute to the Focusing community in Spain, from which I have received so much. Since the beginning of my training in 2009, the National Days, Summer School, the supervisions, the Diploma and titles of Certified Trainer and Certified Focusing Guided Psychotherapist and all contacts and growth contexts, I have definitely been set up as a Focusing professional (and as a person).

And in this series of invitations to action (as it says Isabel Gascón, my referral coordinator, the “seventh step” de Focusing: “And what does all this invite you to?”), It seems to me that it is time to also contribute from this position, as long as my work is useful and constructive. It is a challenge to work with and at the service of so many people I know, with riches inside that place me in a situation of humility and learning.

So also from this new position I am at your service, hoping to contribute to the international knowledge of the richness of the Focusing that we do around here, and also to contribute ideas and suggestions from other places that come from this condition of international relations.

F. Javier Romeo

My appointment to the Membership Committee of the International Institute of Focusing

As I already commented in another entry, have participated in the Focusing International Conference in Cambridge (United Kingdom) last july 2016 has meant many new openings, new ways, new ways to incorporate Focusing into my life and to share it. Consciousness, and also calls to action.

tfi-logo-int-1It has been very surprising for me to have been invited to be part of the Membership Committee (Membership Committee) of International Focusing Institute based in New York (The International Focusing Institute). This committee is a merely advisory body (does not make decisions) and basically made up of volunteers, that advises the governing bodies on all matters that have to do with being a member of the Institute: how to favor membership, how to make its value visible, how to facilitate participation between members. Their task is to look at the members and discover emerging needs and spaces for collaboration.. It is a very international committee, with videoconference meetings and specific work teams. It is such a new group that it still does not have its own section in the Institute website. And me, that I have enjoyed the benefits of membership since 2010, first as a Trainer in Training, and later as a Certified Trainer (2012) and as a Certified Focusing Guidance Psychotherapist (2014), I receive as an honor to be able to contribute to other people and to the structure of the Institute.

For me it is essential to follow the line of work of the Focusing Spanish Institute, in which we work in training, accompaniment or other fields of Focusing on an individual level, but in which relations with other groups and entities are decided collectively. Thus, I sent the invitation to the Board of Directors of the Instituto Español de Focusing and recently I have also been appointed vowel for International Relations, to be able to assume the position in the Membership Committee.

So that, I have already started reading the materials (a lot has been generated in just over a year of existence) and I have participated in a meeting. I hope to continue contributing to the world of Focusing in this way. And if you have recommendations or suggestions regarding membership of the International Institute of Focusing, I will be happy to hear them.

At your service in a new way,

F. Javier Romeo

Focusing tutored practices in Madrid in September 2016

The development of all our abilities to focus and to accompany with Focusing depends largely on our practice.

That is why tutored practices have been structured as something fundamental in the training to obtain the various Focusing degrees.. In tutored practices there are three roles that rotate: who focuses, who accompanies and who observes. One person offers to focus, another person accompanies her and the rest of the people observe the process, noticing what works and what doesn't, and imagining what they would do if they were in the position to accompany. When the process ends, the group discusses everything that has happened, from a welcoming and curious environment (essential in Focusing), and under my supervision as a trainer. From the comments everyone learns (included me), and we take questions to reflect. The process is then repeated, but with other people.

Dates: Tuesday, 27 September 2016, of 17:00 a 21:00 and Thursday 29 September 2016, of 17:00 a 21:00. (There is the possibility of doing only two hours, if there is enough group).

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.


  • 2 hours, 35 euros.
  • 4 hours, 70 euros.
  • 8 hours, 130 euros.

Minimum three participants, maximum six, to ensure the quality of training.

More information and registration by contacting me at the phone (+34) 657 680 165 or email.

[Original entry 20 September 2016, actualizada a 29 September 2016, last date offered].

brush strokes (1) of the International Conference on Focusing of 2016 Cambridge (United Kingdom)

This summer I had the pleasure of participating in the 27ª International Conference on Focusing of 2016 Cambridge (United Kingdom), organized by the British Focusing Association, and open to members of the International Focusing Institute (The International Focusing Institute) of all the world, an experience that has marked me for several reasons.


Overview of the International Conference on Focusing Photo Collection 2016. In general they include the most playful aspects, but they also reveal the moments of depth. And a magnificent photo appears that Blanca Ruiz has taken of me, from Spain, and that I have adopted for my profile (thanks, Blanca!).

To give some figures: we have been more than 250 participants of 30 countries at Robinson College, almost entirely dedicated to the Conference. Except in plenary meetings, where most of us were, during the workshop time we divided (each according to his choice) in more than fifteen simultaneous activities. And all orchestrated by a dedicated organizing team (of British Focusing Association,) what, before trying to solve my problems, first they listened to me, with typical focusing attention.

So the first experience has been to discover people and create community., in a very Focusing environment. I have met people who were participating for the first time in an international event like this, just like me. I have also put face, voice tone, relationship… to people I knew from references (their books, your articles, your web pages, your messages on the Focusing lists, the recommendations you had received…). Y, to my surprise, I have also been recognized by the Japanese psychotherapist Madoka Kawahara (Kawahara circle) who had read my article with great interest “Combining Focusing and Nonviolent Communication”, What a find! [And finally here it is translated into Japanese with the suggestive title Intersection of the focusing and the non-violent communication, thank you very much, Madoka!].

Anyway, what struck me the most was the kindness and fluidity of the treatment, both in group activities and in more individual interaction, at meals, in the breaks, in other activities. And the feeling of continuing to discover new and interesting people every time I began to have the feeling that “we had already seen everyone”. On a deeper level, now that a few weeks have passed, the first experience that I want to preserve is the sense of community within differences (And there were many differences, I assure!). Is to feel that we are working, doing research, suffering and enjoying to develop each our understanding of Focusing, and how to share it with other people.

The second experience, linked to the previous, has been experience creative connections with a lot of people. For our common interests. For understanding Focusing in a similar way or, Unlike, for understanding it in such different ways that they are complementary. For our areas of action. By simple connection personally. Now it's time to carry out the famous Aristotle quote, “the desire for friendship arises quickly, but friendship itself takes time”. I am already in contact with some people, I have others in my long list of pending contacts, but the intention to continue cultivating new ways for Focusing is there. It will be a bit like the relationships I already have in the Focusing community in Spain, but internationally.

The third experience has been an invitation to action. An invitation to action that arises both from within and without. Possible projects, collaborations to explore, new reading list, exercises to delve into, areas to discover… For the moment, things are lending to movement, and I'm flowing with them. I will talk about these and other things in other posts.

With the commitment to tell you more in future entries I leave you, with the recommendation that you visit the official website of the Conference while it is active, because it has many resources to explore (English).


Upgrades (subsequent entries related to this):

Inside calls to action:

Other experiences:

Focusing workshop on prevention of violence at the International Conference Focusing 2016 Cambridge (United Kingdom)

focusing_conference_2016Taller “Finding a Handle for Violence In Our Lives” (“Finding a foothold for the violence in our lives”) on the application of Focusing for the prevention of violence in 27ª International Conference on Focusing of 2016 Cambridge (United Kingdom), organized by the British Focusing Association, and open to members of the International Focusing Institute (The Focusing Institute) of all the world.

Date: New date: sábado 23 July 2016, of 11:00 a 13:00.

Place: Robinson College
United Kingdom

Description: When we work with children, adolescence and youth, with populations at social risk, in social intervention environments, with clients in therapy, we can see the effects that violence has on their lives. In this workshop we are going to work in an experiential way to find a foothold for violence in our own lives as a first step to prevent and detect situations of violence.. We are going to explore how to identify violence from a Focusing body perspective to empower ourselves –and thus transform the violence around us–.

Addressed to: professionals (of psychology, of therapeutic intervention, of Education, of social work, etc.) who work with children, girls, adolescents and young people, with populations at social risk, with clients in therapy; people working for social change (in associations, foundations, etc.); and general public interested in managing violence in new ways.

f_javier_romeoF. Javier Romeo-Biedma is a clinical psychologist, is certified as a Focusing Trainer and as a Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist, en Madrid, Spain, and is an international consultant on Child Protection, Affectivity and Interpersonal Communication in Spiral Consulting Children (an international consulting company that trains and advises on Child Protection). Your work with children, girls, adolescents and young people at social risk in Spain, Morocco and Mauritania have led him to investigate prevention, detection and healing of violence (and that includes a deep experience in Nonviolent Communication). He also practices psychotherapy and teaches Focusing, Nonviolent Communication and Psychology in More Authentic Connection. He has given training in Spanish (your mother tongue), English, French and Moroccan Arabic.

Read this post in English.

[Original entry 27 May 2016, actualizada a 23 July 2016, date of the workshop].

Workshop “Finding a Handle for Violence In Our Lives” at the International Focusing Conference 2016, Cambridge (UK)

focusing_conference_2016Workshop “Finding a Handle for Violence In Our Lives” at the 27th International Focusing Conference 2016 in Cambridge (UK), organised by the British Focusing Association, open to members of The Focusing Institute from all over the world.

Dates: New date: Saturday 23rd July 2016, from 11:00 to 13:00.

Place: Robinson College
United Kingdom

Description: When we work with children and youth, with at-risk populations, in social settings, with clients in therapy, we can see the effects of violence in their lives. In this workshop we will work experientially to find a handle for violence in our own lives, as the first step to prevent and detect situations of violence. We will explore how to identify violence from a Focusing and embodied perspective to empower ourselves –transforming violence around us.

Target audience: professionals (psychologists, therapists, educators, social workers, etc.) working with children and youth, with at-risk populations, with clients in therapy; people working for social change (associations, foundations, etc.); and general public interested in dealing with violence in new ways.

f_javier_romeoF. Javier Romeo-Biedma is a clinical psychologist, Certified Focusing Trainer and Psychotherapist based in Madrid, Spain, and an international consultant on Child Protection, Affectivity and Communication at Spiral Consulting Children (an international consultancy firm he co-founded that provides training and assessment in Child Protection). His work with at-risk children and youth in Spain, Morocco and Mauritania has led him to research on violence prevention, detection and healing (including a deep experience in Nonviolent Communication). He also has a private practice and teaches Focusing, Nonviolent Communication and Psychotherapy at More Authentic Connection. He has taught in Spanish (his mother tongue), English, French and Moroccan Arabic.

See this same entry in Spanish.

[Original post of May 27th. 2016, updated on July 23rd. 2016, date of the workshop].

Focusing tutored in Madrid in July 2016

The tutored practices are the space in which each participant learns to focus, to accompany and observe Focusing processes, from an attitude of respect and group learning. It is the natural step after having completed Levels I and II of Focusing, and that it is still necessary to develop the experience and skills required for the Diploma in Focusing and for the qualification of “Trainer de Focusing”.

The sessions allow us to explore the possibilities and difficulties of intervention and resources available to us to deepen and enrich the process of focusing and accompanying.

Small groups, Minimum 3 participants, maximum 6 participants.

Tutored sessions recognized by the Focusing Spanish Institute as part of the essential training to obtain the Diploma.


  • mars, 5 July 2016, of 16:00 a 20:00.
  • Friday, 8 July 2016, of 16:00 a 20:00.
  • mars, 12 July 2016, of 10:00 a 14:00 I of 16:00 a 20:00.

Please, to subscribe simply enter your availability gunning by name (or name and initials of the two surnames) in the following link and send me an email (

Place: Psychology Consultation
C / Ferraz, 43, 1Exterior º Left
28008 Madrid

Metro: Argüelles (lines 3, 4 and 6) a five minute walk.

bus: 21 and 74 two minutes walk. 1, 44, 133 and C2 a five minute walk.

Prices (you can pay in cash on the day of the internship, or by bank transfer consulting me first):

  • 4 hours, 70 euros.
  • 8 hours, 130 euros (grouping with other tutored within this month).
  • 12 hours, 180 euros (grouping with other tutored within this month).

I hope the good results.


[Original entry 29 de junio de 2016, actualizada a 12 July 2016, date of the last practice session].

Story “The Wizard of thoughts” Pepa Horno on listening to the body by caressing

In line continue to celebrate the publication a year ago tales of Pepa Horno, my good friend and partner in Spiral Consulting Children (where we work on issues of affective education in childhood), This complements entry the previous one, referring to his book The language of trees. this story, The Wizard of thoughts, It has been published by the Editorial Phineus with illustrations Margarita now.


Pepa same account his intention for this book with the following words:

The Wizard of thoughts He speaks of fondling, and how caresses and massages serve to emotional self-regulation, for these children than adults say they still do not stop, who fail to sort their thoughts, or silence them or concentrate ... For these children have a "magic" trick to put some order within himself. In those thoughts that basically are but the fruit of his extraordinary sensitivity.

To this I add that it is a story that can be adapted perfectly to teach Focusing boys and girls for the following reasons:

  • Presents a positive and welcome sight of thoughts, sensations, feelings, emotions and experiences in general with children (and we also have adults): what is within us it makes sense if you provide adequate listening.
  • Children can do concrete things to pay attention to their internal experiences, so these calm down (and, although not explained in the story, Also to be deployed), and those who are around him can accompany.
  • Internal experiences are accompanied by more effectively with any physical action. Pepa proposed in the story caresses the areas involved (head of the protagonist, in this case), but explained on the last page, “Words for the soul of adults”, there may be many other ways, whenever it involves the body.

So I heartily recommend this book as a way to present the Focusing in a manner adapted to children.

I hope you will like it as much as me,


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