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Celebration in honor of the memory of Marshall Rosenberg, creator of Nonviolent Communication

Marshall B. Rosenberg, fotografía del Center for Nonviolent Communication.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, fotografía del Center for Nonviolent Communication.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, creator Nonviolent Communication, died last 7 February 2015, as I said in this post.

The whole community of practitioners Nonviolent Communication is moved and honored at the same time to get on with the task that was proposed, create a relationship and attitude to improve the lives of all people, Without exceptions.

Center for Nonviolent Communication (International Center for Nonviolent Communication) He has organized a tribute to the memory of Marshall Rosenberg and its work next domingo 29 March 2015. To facilitate international participation will be broadcast online in this link.

Attention: tribute be held at 16:00 local time, to be the 00:00 of 30 March 2015 (the night of Sunday to Monday) Spanish CET, the 23:00 Sunday 29 March 2015 When the Canary Islands.

I invite you to take part from a distance in this recall Marshall and his life.


[Original entry 25 March 2015, actualizada a 30 March 2015, end date of the event in Spain.]


At the end many people have been able to follow in the distance tribute to the memory of Marshall Rosenberg. Officiated in their tradition, They have spoken important people in your life, who they have shared their experience of Marshall. I have been particularly emotional the speeches of his sons Rick and Brett, I liked more details of his life in the initial sketch read by the officiating rabbi, and I liked to know the experiences of several trainers who have held positions in the Center for Nonviolent Communication (International Center for Nonviolent Communication), including Robert Gonzales (former president, and whom I have known personally as a trainer) y Dominic Barter (current president and creator of the restorative circles. Despite the late hours of the night here in Madrid, I have greatly enriched the experience and has been a way to honor the memory of Marshall with people who knew him in depth.

With gratitude and admiration.


Celebration of the life of Marshall Rosenberg and mourning over his death

They are being very poignant day between those who know and practice Nonviolent Communication. Marshall B. Rosenberg, creator of Nonviolent Communication, He has died last 7 February 2015 at the age of 80 years (We celebrated his birthday a few months ago in this post), and those who knew him and those who have learned general model are doing something that taught us: celebrate the events that have covered our needs and allow us to pass the duel of events that have left our unmet needs.

I had the pleasure of formarme with him during the nine days of the International Intensive Training (International Intensive Training, IIT) Switzerland in July and August 2008. Of that training is the photo that I have with Marshall and his wife Valentina, with the added symbolism of the presence of two boys and a girl unrecognizable in the background, that connects with the Marshall gave me encouragement in my work with children, and adolescents (read more details in the original entry).


During these days, in which I read the various messages and commemorations that have occurred in the community of Nonviolent Communication, I also took the opportunity to reread the notes I lived those days with him (and in the company of other trainers and other participants). And later it will touch reread all his works, as a way to refresh and honor their work.

Marshall Rosenberg worked to create a more humane world, discovering aspects of life and growth even in the most incomprehensible acts. Your basic sentence is “Violence is a tragic expression of unmet needs”, and the method, Nonviolent Communication, a path to listen and reformulate expressions to find solutions in which all parties are winners.

For me it is especially enriching Marshall's emphasis on social change, he did not want to serve Nonviolent Communication for people he would tarry with her quiet life. The work begins within each person, but you can not stay there, it must reach different structures (economic, social, policies, Education…) and that transform humanizándolas. As he told us in Switzerland: “Our action is similar to that of someone who sees a baby fall down a waterfall and saves, and watching another and saves, and watching another and saves… At some point it will be convenient that person arises who is throwing babies and climb the waterfall to avoid”.

Apart from his writings (more than a dozen books, among them Nonviolent Communication. A language life) and videos and recordings of their workshops and their songs, Marshall leaves constituted the Center for Nonviolent Communication (Center for NonViolent Communication), with a history of decades of work, and that it has been operating without recent years. It also leaves hundreds of certified trainers that their model is still transmitted with fidelity and tens of thousands of practitioners who try to put some light in our daily conflicts. It is something to celebrate.

At the same time, his passing leaves a void. Knowing that he has died at his home accompanied by his wife Valentina and their children is a minor consolation. We know that and we will see not representing new conflict situations, you will not hear any new songs, not write new books. And that alone is host to compassionate the pain and sorrow that appear.

Only by integrating the full experience we can move on fully, integrating the received Marshall and looking, moment by moment, how to update an enriching way for everyone.

In celebration and mourning,


Celebrating 80 anniversary of Marshall Rosenberg, creator of Nonviolent Communication

Last 6 October Marshall Rosenberg, the creator of the Nonviolent Communication, has fulfilled eighty and who have experienced the benefits of their work we are celebrating.

Marshall B. Rosenberg He was born 6 October 1934 in Canton, Ohio (U.S), and the family moved in 1943 a Detroit, Michigan, shortly before the race riots of that year. Marshall tells how the experience of violence marked him. Also experienced violence at school, to being identified as a Jew by his surname. As he himself, he discovered that there are people who can enjoy harm. And at the same time, He could see how other people were able to move with compassion for extremely tough situations (her grandmother, During the crisis was able to feed people in the street; or his uncle, I was able to feed and heal and elderly grandmother).

Later studied psychology and obtained his doctorate with Carl Rogers 1961, definitely qualifying itself as a clinical psychologist in 1966. However, the focus of clinical psychology did not satisfy him, with the emphasis on labels and diagnoses. He continued researching and forming (It was also formed in Focusing, and made it recommends in its advanced training), and at the end he created the process Nonviolent Communication as we know it.

Since the eighties has worked internationally both for mediation in serious conflicts and to develop conflict resolution skills smaller in our daily lives, conflicts with others and internal conflicts. A few years ago it has retired, after making hundreds of formations in the world and have founded International Center for Nonviolent Communication (Center for NonViolent Communication) to spread this process as transformer. You can read more about his life and where he has worked in the Website of the International Center for Nonviolent Communication (Center for NonViolent Communication).

I had the pleasure of formarme with him, with his wife Valentina and other trainers in an Intensive International Training (International Intensive Training) nine days in Switzerland in August 2008, and I could receive warmth and how he encouraged me to try to convey my understanding of Nonviolent Communication to children and people who are in contact with them. Much of my work has since been inspired by what I learned from him, both to create a More Authentic Connection in the lives of all people (including mine), and in the lives of children, and adolescents with whom they come in contact, and people who are around (especially through Spiral Consulting Children, in line Interpersonal communication). In this training we talked Certification, and although the end is a way I have not followed, I feel part of the movement of Nonviolent Communication and continue working with the Association for Nonviolent Communication here in Spain and other groups and learning practices.


At that time we took this photo, coincidences of fate, portrays in Marshall, Valentina and me with two children and no recognizable girl, as symbolizing specially working with children that took place with the inspiration of Marshall and Nonviolent Communication.

From here I send my thanks and tribute. Thank you, Marshall!

With deep gratitude I send my celebrative homage. Thank you, Marshall!


Change the world gesture gesture

The beginning of the year is a time of good intentions, new projects and renewed hopes. All these early steps will need, perhaps very small steps at first. This video captures the idea of ​​changing the world gesture gesture.

There are times for big moves, for radical changes, Greatest Hits for rudder.

And there are also times for small changes, for modification of detail, for “do the same but in a different way”.

The story of this video is that the Czech organization The intersection of Olomouc reorganizes a series of advertisements Liberty Mutual, an insurance company has made over the years a number of advertising campaigns to enhance public accountability. In this adaptation the little things we can do every day to make the world a little better collect, regardless of ideological positions or any. And we knew that they might not get from the people we help (although reciprocity is critical to the fundamental relations), as in the video, but our actions can inspire others, and will probably never know the fruit.

I wish you happy 2014, with awareness and significant contributions to the world.


Alex Rovira Video on the Economics of caresses

Alex Rovira, business advisor, lecturer and writer both as a novel test, has a positive view of the human being is very close to what we have from the Nonviolent Communication and Focusing.

In this short video gives some basic keys to working with people, both business management and for those who intervene more in the personal and social. The key phrase “Stroke economy” reflects one of the basic concepts that I try to convey in my work training and support: people seek to be seen, be recognized, and if they get through what we seek positive through most unpleasant reprimands. The key is to be aware of this and learn to read between the lines. To me this helps me in my work with adolescents and their families, and is the primary tool for building bridges between people.

The intention that it veáis video (repeatedly, even, to capture the subtleties) and introduce you to reflect on how the stroke economy in our private life, and also in the professional.

Hope you enjoy the.


Resource Blog

As I said in the “Welcome to the blog”, The idea is that this blog is intended to serve as a repository of resources, so are all kinds of materials and suggestions for creating a More Authentic Connection with others and with our inner world. As will be plenty of variety, I want to explain here the different labels that I use to categorize the entries.

  • CNV: all entries that relate to the Nonviolent Communication, either explicitly that I seem to have that “NVC consciousness”.
  • Texts CNV: entries relating to books, specific articles and documents Nonviolent Communication.
  • Focusing: all entries that are pertinent to the Focusing or something very similar.
  • Focusing en Madrid: they will gather in Madrid formations on Focusing Area (for example, Miraflores de la Sierra, an hour from Madrid).
  • Textos Focusing: entries relating to books, specific articles and documents Focusing.
  • CI Spirals: no tickets that are closely related to my work in Spiral Consulting Children in matters of affection, protection and interpersonal communication, and I also mention in this blog.
  • Other Texts: no books, articles and documents, without being explicitly in any of the proposed disciplines, general have an affinity and a value that leads me to mention them in this blog.
  • Webs: web pages, blog and online resources.
  • Videos: general videos, combined with other tags that require their content.
  • Movies: documentaries and films, both based on fact and fiction, seem relevant to me I want to develop sensitivity to this blog.
  • Narrative: novels (and stories and children's literature) that allow us to cultivate a taste of empathy with the Nonviolent Communication and the Focusing.
  • Experiences: Sometimes life brings surprises, experiences that make us rethink our priorities and confirm our intuitions, and these events will gather under this heading.
  • For boys and girls: resources that can be used directly or indirectly with children.
  • For Teens: resources that can be used directly or indirectly with teens.
  • Agenda actual and Agenda filed: impart training to most closed groups and organized, but on the rare occasions when I open formations specific to the general public or hang them with these tags, “Agenda actual” until it is completed and “Agenda filed” when it has passed the date of the event, but for the record and can see the parameters of the training provided.

As you can see, many categories are intertwined. The interesting thing is that everyone can find something to investigate and find it useful and interesting. And some other things will be added.

To build on!

Welcome to the blog

My first purpose 2012 This blog has been started. After creating the website more authentic connection 2009, resource section had been reduced. Partly because there are many materials that are only in English or French, and partly by referring only to specific texts of Nonviolent Communication, appeared not needed more.

However, vitality I've seen in the Blog of Spiral Consulting Children, I keep with Pepa Horno and Ana Sanchez-Mera from late 2009, has shown me that a blog is a very interesting tool to have all recommendations contained in the training just gives me time to quote: articles, books, pages, videos, movies and a variety of sources that can help us deepen our training. In fact, I want this to be My first recommendation: Institutional read our blog. And indeed some of the entries of this blog will recover.

And it has inspired me personal blog of my partner and friend Pepa Horno. There are things that work very well to a strictly professional level, and then there are other things that fit better with the personal, with how to be a, that requires its own sphere.

So begins this blog, which will be expanded with ease. I hope you will be of interest, and comments are welcome.

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