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Change the world gesture gesture

The beginning of the year is a time of good intentions, new projects and renewed hopes. All these early steps will need, perhaps very small steps at first. This video captures the idea of ​​changing the world gesture gesture.

There are times for big moves, for radical changes, Greatest Hits for rudder.

And there are also times for small changes, for modification of detail, for “do the same but in a different way”.

The story of this video is that the Czech organization The intersection of Olomouc reorganizes a series of advertisements Liberty Mutual, an insurance company has made over the years a number of advertising campaigns to enhance public accountability. In this adaptation the little things we can do every day to make the world a little better collect, regardless of ideological positions or any. And we knew that they might not get from the people we help (although reciprocity is critical to the fundamental relations), as in the video, but our actions can inspire others, and will probably never know the fruit.

I wish you happy 2014, with awareness and significant contributions to the world.


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