More Authentic Connection Towards a


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Nonviolent Communication

"Para la Comunicación No Violenta, las palabras pueden ser como muros que nos separan... o como ventanas que nos dejan ver el interior de la otra persona."   Marshall B. Rosenberg

What is this proposal True Connection More?

Conflicts, understood as situations in which there are various possibilities, are part of life.

doctor Marshall B. Rosenberg He created the process of Nonviolent Communication as a way to resolve those conflicts that are part of life so that it produces a connection, a meeting, and that all win-win.

Nonviolent Communication helps us to express what matters to us clearly, strength and respect. Listening in depth and authenticity, without judging, we know what we feel. Discovering our feelings can come also to our principles / needs / values, universal to all human. Then we can create effective ways to satisfy them through petitions and concrete actions. And to put this into words we express ourselves in a way that people can listen before us.

At the same time, Nonviolent Communication teaches us to listen and embrace the vitality beneath those expressions that we find unpleasant, even violent, while defending our values. And develop the ability to understand other people to recognize their vision of reality, their feelings, needs / values ​​that move, and we can find creatively negotiated strategies that satisfy us on all sides at once.

With Nonviolent Communication can build a more authentic connection in our relationships, solutions that serve all parties, creating a more peaceful world.

Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC), founded by Marshall Rosenberg, helps spread the Nonviolent Communication worldwide to solve personal conflicts, with couples, families, in schools, in organizations and at political and social levels.

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