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Communication support

Nonviolent Communication from the accompaniment is more about monitoring the internal flow that guide.

Following the flow of communication…

Developed by Marshall Rosenberg in the field of humanistic psychology (Dr. Rosenberg was formed with Carl Rogers), the process of Nonviolent Communication has therapeutic qualities.

While not in itself a therapy, the Nonviolent Communication allows focusing processes and progress in personal relationships, from the basic conditions of unconditional acceptance Rogerian, congruence and empathic listening.

I offer the following types of accompaniment:

  • Support in learning the Nonviolent Communication.
    For people who want to learn or deepen an individual basis in listening skills, autoescucha and expression as the process of Nonviolent Communication.
  • Accompaniment support therapeutic processes.
    For people who follow a regular psychotherapy with another therapist who wish to develop their skills complement autoescucha and expression through Nonviolent Communication (the accompaniment is done in coordination with the therapist and under his directions).

    For my professional, I offer this support to people that have experienced particularly damaging forms of violence: children, adolescents and adults who have experienced abuse and sexual abuse or exposure to domestic violence.
  • Accompaniment group processes.
    For groups of people (couples, families, teams) they are clear that they want to improve their interpersonal relationships.

    From my previous experience, especially working with families and supporters of children and adolescents who have experienced different types of violence, to strengthen the emotional bonds healers.

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